plot cast review Scalera |Style

A situation like the one he lives in Vanessa Scalera in From the top of a cold tower it’s hard to even imagine. Not for Filippo Gili, author of the show of the same name performed at the theater and directed by F. himselfrancesco Frangipane making his debut as a film director precisely with the film distributed in theaters by Lucky Red.

There Imma Tataranni television (in summer repeat on RaiPremium in prime time on Thursdays) is the protagonist of a dramatic dilemma, which she shares with Edoardo Pesce, her on-screen brother and who is forced to make an impossible decision. Which of them parents “throw off the tower” and which one should survive? A new challenge for the Apulian actress who, after having been directed by Marco Bellocchio, Nanni Moretti and Marco Tullio Giordana this time she found herself facing one of her greatest fears, in a scene of which she herself reveals the secrets to us…

Vanessa Scalera and Edoardo Pesce in a scene

Plot and cast of From the Top of a Cold Tower: what story does the film tell in cinemas

THE twins Elena (Vanessa Scalera) and Antonio (Edoardo Pesce), since they were left alone, live with their parents Michela and Giovanni (Anna Bonaiuto and Giorgio Colangeli). A status quo and routine turned upside down by the discovery of the serious illness of the two elderly people. A cure exists, hidden in the children’s genes, but it is not enough for both. To the children, therefore, the terrible responsibility of cCommunicate the truth to parents. And decide which of the two to save. A choice that will force them to deal with their past and will bring many to the surface ferocious instincts.

The review of the film by Francesco Frangipane

How much can we influence, or determine, the fate of others? This is the question from which the author and director wanted to start in the adaptation of the original theatrical piece. In the film version theintensity of the two protagonists (especially when they are in single version) and the communicative power of some locations.

Talks about the limits of instinct and reason, ethics and morality, are ones we could all face in such a situation absurd. In search of an answer that no one would ever want to give, and that not even the film gives – understandably, even if in a confusing way – focusing on the inevitable balance sheets, past remorse and future regrets. and on a very particular case, exemplary of the human tendency to build your own hell on earthperhaps to help oneself believe that there is one – along with a meaning or an afterlife – even after death.

A excessive search for the evocative image it undermines credibility and general tension. Some moments of excessive conflict don’t help, but the parallelism between the is interesting “power” of women over the life and death of others.

Style Magazine’s interview with Vanessa Scalera

It almost makes you think about terminating a pregnancy…

I’m actually the one who could save the parents. Being in Edoardo’s shoes and head would have been interesting…

He had already performed From the top of a cold tower at the theatre, also directed by Frangipane…

We also worked together on The Better Sister. There too, at the base it is there a choice. And the sense of guilt. These are themes that the author Filippo Gili is fond of, he puts you in front of them dilemmas. Ferocious…

In the film the two brothers are always together, yet one of the themes is loneliness

Ours is a world of solitude. We built it, or they built it around us, and we don’t notice no more than the solitude of others. The mobile phone is a trivial example. It isolates us, and I see it every time I come home tired in the evening. It prevents me from communicating, even with my partner, it makes me more socially cowardly.

One of the characters complains about having lived so many years without hearing an “I love you”: would that be possible for her?

No! Impossible! I’m instinctive, unlike Elena! But therelife goes on, as also seen in the final scene. Which offers an evocative and romantic image, even reassuring if we want. But it is the strength of cinema, which resonates differently for everyone.

from the top of a cold tower

Massimiliano Benvenuto and Elena Radonicich

Elena, Filumena Marturano, Amalia Jovine… and the next one?

They are all women that I have loved, and that I have been happy to do. Elena also belongs to me, Filippo also wrote some things with me in mind. Maybe when I get older I’ll do some depressed, alcoholic mothers. But now I would be very happy to play a meek woman, different from me, from the many less meek, non-reassuring figures made up to now.

Meanwhile, a less than reassuring moment was that of the swimming pool scene…

I was surprised at myself. I don’t love the sea, I don’t like going underwater, in fact, I really have to touch it. I am the daughter of a country man, a little more my father could put the armrests! In that scene, behind the poem, there is an actress who was dying of fear. I also did the freediving course, because I get a kick out of things, but when I saw the vastness of the pool and how deep it was… I had to do the breathing…

'From the top of a cold tower', with Vanessa Scalera: Or, Elena's choice - image 5

Diving in, then, will have been cathartic…

Absolutely yes! Even the two strokes… I seem almost at ease, but I really don’t know how to swim.

Who would jump from the top of a cold tower?

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I don’t know, maybe i presumptuous, violent and rude. But we would have to figure out who to save instead!

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