Rai, the farewell of the most loved presenter: why he left everything and who will be there in his place

Rai, the farewell of the most loved presenter: why he left everything and who will be there in his place
Rai, the farewell of the most loved presenter: why he left everything and who will be there in his place

One of the presenters most appreciated by viewers will be forced to leave his post, Rai is thinking of profiles to replace him.

A year undoubtedly worth remembering for the presenter, who in reality has already been showing off for a few seasons thanks to record numbers. In January Rai decided to reward him by putting him at the helm of one of the historic shows and he repaid the trust by recording impressive figures in terms of share and audience. The hope for the leaders of Viale Mazzini is that he can confirm himself at these levels also in the future, despite he will be forced due to too many commitments to leave his other program.

The viewers, who would have liked to see him again in the double role, are bitterly disappointed; they will have to put their souls at peace. Unfortunately or fortunately, his overly packed agenda has left him with his back against the wall. The official announcement should arrive on July 19thwhen the new schedules will be presented in Naples, those for 2024/2025.

It remains to be seen who will take his place, the broadcaster is currently reviewing various profiles. The clues all lead to just one name, in reality, and some are already turning their noses up.

Rai, leave Italy Yes? Who can replace the beloved host

After the enormous success achieved thanks to Chain reaction – the game show recently passed into the hands of Pino Insegno -, Marco Liorni continued to record dizzying ratings also at the helm of The legacy.

The new edition ended only a short time ago, last June 2nd it said goodbye to its audience, giving them an appointment for the next season – it should start again in autumn, it is rumoured, and not in winter. However, he will not return to take on the role of the owner of the house Italy Yesthe program he has led on Saturday afternoons on Rai Uno since 2018.

Marco Liorni will not return to host Italia Yes, Rai is looking for a replacement for next season – chronicleedossier.it (photo source ANSA)

According to the rumors that are circulating, his replacement could be another mainstay of the schedule such as Emma D’Aquinoan appreciated journalist who viewers have come to know as a live-in figure on Tg1.

My colleague is also in the running Giorgia Cardinaletti but at least for the moment the former would be in pole position. She will most likely be the one to face the distance face to face with Silvia Toffaninthat with very true on Canale 5 he has always given his competitors a hard time.

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