Inside Out 2: the director and producer explain what’s unique about the sequel | Cinema

Inside Out 2: the director and producer explain what’s unique about the sequel | Cinema
Inside Out 2: the director and producer explain what’s unique about the sequel | Cinema

Inside Out 2 will be released in Italy on June 19th. Sequel to the Oscar-winning animated film in 2015, the new film is directed by Kelsey Mann and produced by Mark Nielsen.

Nielsen tells us what excited him most about the idea of ​​working on this new project:

I was the associate producer on the first film nine years ago. I absolutely loved it, it was one of the highlights of my career. Pete Docter’s films have been my favorites over the years… don’t tell that to other directors. I had the chance to work with him on Up, Monsters & Co. And Inside Out, three of his four directorial projects, and this one is special – exploring the world of emotions to personify them. What I haven’t had the chance to do yet is collaborate with Kelsey, which has been an incredible honor.

Mann adds what, in his opinion, was brilliant about the new idea, making it worth making a sequel:

At first, I made a list of sequels I love and ones I don’t like. Why do I like these and why don’t I like those? These movies expanded the world and did new things, opened new doors, whereas those were just copies, repetitions, you know what I mean? Riley is going through changes in his mind, so having that change is really good for a sequel, and the fact that the headquarters is going to get demolished to evolve is really good for a sequel. There’s a lot of emotional depth that we love at Pixar, but we get to have a lot of fun with it, crack a lot of jokes, and introduce a lot of really fun new characters.

Mann concludes:

It’s about opening new doors in the world that you didn’t know existed, but were just around the corner. Those are my favorite sequels. So, I wanted to do the same with this film. I want to address memories, and memories are a great example. You’ve taken something that we’re all familiar with, but given it a visual element. How do they appear? How do they work? What is a core memory? You created all this and now it is part of our vocabulary. We wanted to expand it. I remember talking early on in the research about what happens to us as teenagers. A big part of what we do at that age is begin to develop who we are as individuals and begin to form our own opinions and, along with that, determine what we believe.

Inside Out 2 sees the return of the old emotions that we knew in the first chapter: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust. Alongside them, however, we will find new ones: Anxiety, Boredom, Envy and Embarrassment.

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SOURCE: Deadline

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