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Renewable Energy, the appeal of the Florentine Engineers • Nine from Florence

Renewable Energy, the appeal of the Florentine Engineers • Nine from Florence
Renewable Energy, the appeal of the Florentine Engineers • Nine from Florence


Florence, July 1, 2024. “In Tuscany, the installed power of photovoltaic energy is increasing, but it is not enough. In 2023 there were approximately 1200 megawatts of installed power: these values ​​are still very far from the target of 4200 megawatts needed to reach the 2030 agenda objective for sustainability.. What holds Tuscany back are some geographical characteristics, but above all too much bureaucracy. We need a turning point”.

To say it is Stefano Corsi, coordinator of the Environment and Energy commission of the Order of Engineers of Florencecommenting on the data from the GSE, Energy Services Manager, on the photovoltaic situation in Italy.

“Compared to the national data Tuscany has one of the lowest values ​​of installed power per inhabitant and per surface – says Corsi – respectively 53 kilowatts per square kilometer and 335 watts per inhabitant, about half the national average. For example, in Lazio there are 118 kilowatts per square kilometre, while in the Marche there are 145 kilowatts per square kilometre, values ​​two or three times higher. In the last 7 years in Tuscany only 500 megawatts have been installed, while in the next 7, including the current one, 3000 megawatts will have to be installed, 6 times more.”.

“The Province of Florence is the second for installed power in Tuscany with 185 Megawatts – continues Corsi – behind only Arezzo, but even in this case the figure is below the regional average with respect to the surface area and population, with 47 kilowatts per square kilometer and 185 watts per inhabitant”.

“This situation can be traced back in part to some geographical characteristics of our Region – concludes Corsi – but mainly depends on the numerous bureaucratic and technical limitations that still operate on a large part of the Florentine and Tuscan territory in general. Surely our territory must be protected, but in a way that is compatible with the achievement of the climate objectives of the European 2030 agenda for sustainability”.

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