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an Aprilia company is in trouble, kidnapping

an Aprilia company is in trouble, kidnapping
an Aprilia company is in trouble, kidnapping
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From 2018 to 2023 a company from Apriliawhich operates in the road haulage sector, has ‘forgotten’ the payment of VAT and withholding taxes applied to about 1000 employeeslocated throughout the national territory, for approximately 20 million euros. And now, after a complex investigation by the judicial police into serious hypotheses of tax crimes, carried out by the Finance Police of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Latina, on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Latina, a precautionary seizure order has been executed. An order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Latina.

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Tax evasion in Aprilia

The information, analysis and accounting examination activities carried out by the Guardia di Finanza of Aprilia have allowed the collection of various elements, in support of the accusatory system, to hypothesize the violations of omitted tax payments. Elements that have been fundamental and that have allowed the Judge for preliminary investigations at the Court of Latina, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, to order against the legal representative of the company the preventive seizuredirect and in the form for “equivalent”.

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A seizure aimed at confiscation, of money and goods for the total amount of Euro 19,442,852.26as a profit from the alleged crimes, or “failure to pay due or certified withholdings”, “failure to pay VAT”, provided for by articles 10-bis and 10-ter of Legislative Decree 74/2000.

What was discovered

The Guardia di Finanza conducted a targeted activity and identified the sums in current accounts, deposits or other banking relationships. But not only that. They also reconstructed the assets of the movable or immovable property registered to the subjects involved.

The complex activity carried out, also thanks to the help of the canine unit of the “cash dog” type sent in support by the Fiumicino GdF Group, allowed the kidnappingfor the subsequent recovery from the treasury, of sums of cash, financial assets, current accounts, share funds for approximately 3 million euros, 5 properties for a value of approximately 700 thousand euros. And also, company shares and vehicles of various kinds, up to the full amount of the delegated preventive seizure.

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