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Arcore, city councilor Gaye awarded in Foggia for peace

Arcore, city councilor Gaye awarded in Foggia for peace
Arcore, city councilor Gaye awarded in Foggia for peace

The Arcore municipal councilor my screams got worse continues to sweep the board of awards throughout Italy. On Saturday, the professor of Human Sciences and Philosophy, as well as president of the Leopold Sèdar Senghor International Academy, received a special and important award in Foggia at Palazzo Dogana Piazza XX Settembre during the official ceremony of the National Prize for Poetry, Fiction and Visual Arts – CIÒ CHE CINO NON SA – against gender violence and violence against minors – now in its fifth edition.

Gaye received the Peace Prize

Gaye received the Peace Prize named Nargues Mohammadi Nobel Peace Prize 2023.

“Ciò che Caino non sa has many members and we are talking about a prize that is now present in Italy and abroad and was created for anyone who wants to give their contribution, through poetry, to demonstrate and raise awareness with solidarity and communion of thought, to fight the spread of violence towards women and minors or in any case towards the most fragile and in need of attention – Gaye underlined – Our duty is to work and participate in raising awareness among people much more on the theme of peace, freedom and love between peoples. I thank the founder of the Prize, the poet Maria Teresa Infante, the president of the jury Massimo Massa, the jurors, the organizers and the participants for the goal achieved and for the defense of ethical values ​​such as equality, gender equality, respect and the fight against femicide. Educating, raising awareness, promoting peace and equality should enlighten us and accompany our actions.

Below is the motivation for the award

Here is the reason for the award received by the Arcore city councilor.

“In recognition of his extraordinary contribution to the construction of a peaceful, equitable and supportive world. For his commitment to the fight in defense of the inalienable human rights of man, freedom, democracy and justice, helping to raise awareness among international public opinion on solidarity, social cohesion, sharing, acceptance, integration, documented and denounced through his countless cultural activities, aimed at spreading the principles of non-violence, dialogue and mutual understanding as a solution to conflicts, helping to create a society more respectful of human dignity, proposing new paths of peace and opportunities for a better future. A model of moral leadership, his example represents a testimony to the strength and resilience of peace builders, reminding us that peace is a daily commitment and a collective responsibility. Peace is built, not preached.”

The appeal to the mayors of all Italian municipalities

Cheikh Tidiane Gaye is one of the most authoritative and well-known voices of migrant literature in Italy. To such an extent that in recent months he decided to personally send a request to more than 500 Italian mayors asking them to plant the olive tree of peace in their municipalities. “Let’s stay human, raise awareness, educate, promote peace in schools and through our political actions for the government of our cities”: this is the initiative launched in recent days by the vice-president of the Arcore City Council Gaye which has already been very successful .

“We need a change of pace on the issue of peace”

“There is an increasingly strong need for a change of pace and a more incisive commitment in the fight against wars: the situation of international politics in Palestine, Israel, Russia and Ukraine should teach us that Peace must be cultivated – he underlined Gaye – As a poet and writer, I strongly feel the need for increasingly decisive, stronger action to face these wars and contribute to a more peaceful and secure future for us and future generations. We cannot do it by staying in the same way as always, we must draw the best from humanity, seek new sensitivities, employ all our intelligence, broaden our knowledge. The laying of the tree can be the beginning of a path that strengthens everyone’s knowledge of conditions necessary for peace to reign among all people, in every corner of the earth. We can become seeds of peace to sprout a humanity of trees of peace and promote coexistence based on freedom, solidarity, love between peoples. I have been promoting these ideas for years now and this time I would like to suggest local politicians to carry this idea forward.”

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