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reopen negotiations on the first 9 non-Lep subjects

For the reopening of negotiations on Autonomy with the Government, the President has sent Luca Zaia the official note with which the Veneto Region, in light of the new provisions in force, asks the resumption of the process for achieving differentiated autonomy. As foreseen by article 4 of the Calderoli law, requests for greater autonomy were immediately put forward nine “non-Lep” subjects, i.e. transferable without approval of the minimum standards of services (the Lep precisely) that must be guaranteed in all Regions. In the letter to the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni, Zaia asks to «add, for an initial investigation of the most complex attribution profiles» also the «Lep» subjects that were the object of the 2018 pre-agreement: Labour policies, Education, Health, Environmental and ecosystem protection.

Zaia: efficiency to give answers to citizens

«Today we are signing the reopening of the national negotiation table on autonomy. Let’s start again from where we left off“. The governor of Veneto Luca Zaia said this during a press conference organized at Palazzo Balbi, seat of the regional council. The governor then specified that the “nine subjects not subjected to Lep» which can therefore immediately be at the center of the discussion. «In 24 months we will be able to discuss the other 14 subjects» he then specified. «There are the subjects which are 23 and then the functions for each matter, if we think about civil protection, one of the functions could be to give the President of the Region autonomy in the matter but to make ordinances in derogation, something that today we must ask for at a national level. This is true efficiency for providing answers to citizens”, he added.

«Non-Lep» subjects

The subjects `no LepThe subject of the request is the Organization of the Justice of the Peace; International and EU relations of the Region; Foreign trade; Professions; Civil protection; Supplementary and supplementary pensions; Coordination of public finance and the tax system; Savings banks, rural banks, credit companies
of a regional nature; Regional land and agricultural credit institutions.

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