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Saletta dei Ricordi and Torino FC 1906, friendship and sharing in the name of sport

A few years have passed since Torino FC 1906 had the opportunity to get to know the Rieti museum reality. This originated from the moment in which the Piedmontese association did the honors of the Rieti delegation, on the occasion of the inauguration of a totem, translated into four languages, which was placed next to the Mausoleum of Grande Torino, at the foot of the Basilica of Superga .

It was the 8th of May 2017. Said artefact, in memory of the 29 victims of the tragic plane crash of the DC6-B of the Belgian Flag Company, Sabena which occurred on 13 February 1955, on the Costa dei Cavalli in the Monte Terminillo massif, in the territory of the Municipality of Cantalice.

Tragic episode which took the name of “Superga Reatina“, due to the many similarities with the Grande Torino tragedy. This nickname was given by the young chronicler Tito Stagno called to carry out one of his first journalistic services, on the snowy site of the accident. The commitment and dedication, despite a hard viaticum, have produced the achievement of flattering results, such as: the registration of the “Saletta” in theNational Association of Small Museums of Italy (APM)the relationship with Torino Calcio, which has become increasingly consolidated over time, the twinning with the Museum of the Great Torino and the Granata Legend as well as the entry into the prestigious Torino FC 1906 Members’ Club of two citizens of Cantalice.

Pieces of a broader process, which aims at the territorial valorisation and promotion of Cantalice and the city of Rieti. Not to forget the participations in Social Summit Football of Rome, an important international event in the world of football, with the participation of important clubs, such as: Bavaria Monaco, Arsenal FC, FC Barcelona, Fiorentina ACF, Galatasaray and many more.

Due to all this, on June 30, 2024, the Torino FC 1906 in the person of the Operations Director, Alberto Barilewanted to visit the “Saletta”, located in the Hermitage of San Gregorio. They did the honors of the house, to the welcome guest, Antonio Tavani, Stefania Santarelli with some members of the Cultural Association, chaired by the same, as well as the Mayor of Cantalice, Gianluca LeoniThe presence of the unmissable Luciano PistolesiProvincial Delegate of CONI. Great appreciation and sincere compliments received from Alberto Barile. A day of friendship and memory.

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