Market and restyling, the great unknown weighing on operators

Market and restyling, the great unknown weighing on operators
Market and restyling, the great unknown weighing on operators

CIVITAVECCHIA – «Nothing more has been heard about the redevelopment project of Piazza Regina Margherita, which opens the painful parenthesis on the future of the market».

The Amici del mercato association wrote this in recent days in an appeal addressed to the new municipal administration on the future of the historic market of Civitavecchia. A few lines that contain all the unknown of an uncertain future and a restyling project that has changed shape over the years but that, to date, has not yet seen the light. A bull that the newly elected mayor Marco Piendibene will surely have to take by the horns as soon as possible, a bull of about 3 million euros for a project – linked to Pnrr funds – for the redevelopment of Piazza Regina Margherita that has been talked about a lot, perhaps too much, over the years and that is about to go to tender.

A project that, according to the former councilor for Public Works Daniele Perello, would have gone to tender before the end of the Tedesco Council term, immediately after an inspection of the executive project by a company that for 30 days analyzed every detail, looking for any points to review before proceeding to tender. A tender that then no longer took place but it would be a question of time because the inspections ended in mid-May and the ball would have passed to the contracting authority for all the tender procedures.

A project that has changed its guise several times over the last ten years and which currently wears that of “redevelopment of Piazza Regina Margherita”, no longer a restyling of the city market as initially announced but Pnrr funds to redo the square, the problem is that the operators know practically nothing and, as is now well known, the Pnrr funds are tied to very specific deadlines. Basically, the current municipal administration would have its hands tied or almost because the project will certainly have to start but partial changes are being considered on the fly as far as possible, trying to please the operators.

The situation is still quite difficult because, once the tender is published, a solution for travel will have to be found and the options that have been discussed so far have not convinced the traders of Piazza Regina Margherita. In the meantime, we will have to wait to understand who Mayor Piendibene will choose for the Department of Public Works and it will be him who will have to go and get his hands on the restyling of the market, trying to satisfy the various operators who, for years now, have been living with this sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

Where will they be moved? For how long? Will the “hateful” shelters remain or will the fixed boxes that were discussed during the discussions between candidates arrive? This and other questions will have to be answered by the new council that should now be announced in a few days. One thing is certain, the project will have to go ahead or we risk losing all the funds.


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