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Technology for Empowerment and Integration in the World of Work • Front Page

Technology for Empowerment and Integration in the World of Work • Front Page
Technology for Empowerment and Integration in the World of Work • Front Page


The Rotaract of Trapani donated two new laptops, complete with licensed operating system, to the young migrants hosted by the SAI Valderice and by the FAMI 24 Welcome project based in Bonagia, managed by the Cooperativa Sociale Badia Grande. This gesture was not only an act of generosity, but a concrete step towards integration andempowerment of those who find themselves in such a delicate transition phase in their lives. Last Saturday, a delegation from the Rotaract of Trapani, led by President Bianca Pugliese and composed of members Vito Saccà, Gigliola Maltese and Carla Gabriele, was warmly welcomed by Valentina Villabuona , head of the SAI of Valderice, and Valentina Vicari, coordinator of the reception centers for unaccompanied foreign minors.

Present at the meeting, in addition to a large representation of the beneficiaries, the multidisciplinary team of the project, the beating heart of an organization that not only welcomes and assists, but is actively involved in the training and job placement of migrants.

The project that led to the donation of the two computers began during the Christmas holidays with a charity show organized by Rotaract and with the involvement of schools in the Trapani area, under the direction of the Vocal Academy and the Centro Studi Danza di Rosy Guaiana. The funds raised during the event were used to purchase two computers, which will now be installed in the multimedia room of the center, thus aiming to expand the IT skills of the beneficiaries, facilitate the search for work, improve communication and increase socialization.

The President of Rotaract Trapani, Bianca Pugliese, together with Greta Margagliotti, Coordinator of SAI Projects of the Badia Grande Cooperative, are already planning a series of training internships for the next season, in collaboration with the Trade Associations and entrepreneurs of the province of Trapani. The goal is to respond to the growing demand for labor in the sectors of agriculture, fishing, livestock farming, canning, construction and hospitality tourism. These opportunities not only aim to integrate migrants into the local labor market, but also to fill the labor shortage in sectors often characterized by hard manual labor, from which the new local generations are increasingly fleeing.

In a context where the birth rate is declining, migrants represent a precious resource. The approach of the Badia Grande Social Cooperative is not limited to simple assistance, but aims to enhance the skills and potential of those arriving on the Sicilian coasts in search of a new life opportunity. The team multidisciplinary teams of the Reception Centers managed by the Badia Grande Social Cooperative play a fundamental role in this process, breaking down prejudices and discriminatory clichés through a concrete commitment towards integration and social inclusion.

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