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“We need stricter laws. But also projects to motivate young people”

“We need stricter laws. But also projects to motivate young people”
“We need stricter laws. But also projects to motivate young people”

TREVISO – Baby gang, the mayor of Treviso Mario Conte supports Luca Zaia’s line: «A regulatory intervention is needed. A new social model involving government, local authorities and families is also essential. Where there is presence and education, young people give great satisfaction».

Conte intervenes on the issue of youth distress, also in light of the latest very serious news events, in particular that of Udine, which sees the 19-year-old from Mareno Samuele Battistella investigated for the killer punch he gave to the entrepreneur Shimpei Tominaga. “Months ago I launched an appeal to the Ministers of Labor, University, Education, Culture, Sport and Health to build a new social model together – says the mayor of Treviso, a city that has been struggling with baby gangs for years -. The kids show us every day that where there is presence, attention, listening and involvement there is commitment, participation and satisfaction”.

«We absolutely must guide young people, support them and on the other hand ensure that those who are taking the wrong path can mend their ways. Certainty of punishment and re-education are certainly important and in this sense the effort that the Government is making, and I am referring to the Caivano Decree, also thanks to Undersecretary Andrea Ostellari – concludes Conte -. I renew my invitation to join forces from the Government to local authorities, from institutions to families, to ensure that the rigorous application of the laws is combined with a path that makes children feel cared for and involved.”


Read the full article at
The Gazette

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