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Anti-fascist appeal in Salerno for July 7th

Anti-fascist appeal in Salerno: twenty signatories among unions, associations and political parties. The request for respect of the laws of the Republic

For some years now, July 7th has been a meeting occasion for political forces and right-wing extremist organizations who, with the so-called intention of commemorating the death of the young MSI militant Carlo Falvella, have given rise to demonstrations in the center of Salerno within which gestures, slogans and slogans linked to and praising fascist symbolism have been documented, recalling both the darkest and
The most recent years of the “strategy of tension” and its massacres are shameful for our country in the twenty years: in fact, near the tombstone, a Celtic cross is proudly displayed, an icon dear to the neo-fascists of Ordine Nuovo of the 60s and 70s.

Furthermore, people who have documented with photos and videos the presence of such symbols and behaviors have been subjected to insults and threats.

As this date approaches and in consideration of what has happened in recent years and even more so in light of the increasingly frequent episodes of physical and verbal violence of fascist origin that continue to occur throughout Italy, as documented by the mass media of every direction political, we express our concern that July 7th could become a further occasion for the affirmation of disvalues ​​and ideologies defeated by History.

Therefore, in full respect of the right guaranteed by the Constitution only to democratic forces to demonstrate, we hope that all the bodies responsible for the protection of public order will pay the utmost attention so that every event connected to the aforementioned anniversary respects the laws of the Italian Republic regarding the ban of apologia for fascism, of incitement to racial and political hatred and of reconstitution of the fascist party.

In particular, we ask that maximum vigilance be guaranteed regarding the aforementioned crimes and we appeal to all citizens to ensure that there is a democratic presence in Piazza 25 Aprile.


National Association of Partisans of Italy Salerno
National Association of Former Deportees Sa-Altavilla Salentina
CGIL Salerno
CISL Salerno
UIL Salerno
Arci Salerno
Arci Marea
Daltrocanto Association
Eastern Zone Popular Rugby
Andrea Proto Cultural Association
Association of Proletarian Hikers – Salerno
Harvest Festival
Southern Border
Lysistrata Collective
LINK Fisciano
Italian Left Salerno
Young Left Union
Communist Refoundation Salerno
Young Communists Salerno
5 Star Movement

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