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RIMINI: Mafia infiltration, Gdf seizes 35 million in one year

RIMINI: Mafia infiltration, Gdf seizes 35 million in one year
RIMINI: Mafia infiltration, Gdf seizes 35 million in one year

The actions to combat organized crime of a mafia nature in the province of Rimini continue. In one year, the Guardia di Finanza seized or confiscated assets for 35 million euros in application of the anti-mafia legislation.

The territory of the province of Rimini continues to be attractive for organized crime. The work of the Guardia di Finanza does not stop, having subjected 214 individuals to asset checks over the last year which led to 35 million euros in assets seized and confiscated.

“Obviously the greatest risk could be the reinvestment of illicit capital in commercial activities, thus leading to a disparity in terms of regularity in the commercial activities market”, comments the commander of the Guardia di Finanza of the province of Rimini, Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Coscarelli.

A land, that of the Riviera Romagnola, attractive for the laundering and reinvestment of illicit capital. In one year the Fiamme gialla of Rimini have reconstructed illicit operations for 31.5 million euros.

“Monitoring is constant – continues the commander – and the activities that are carried out underline the importance of not lowering one’s guard. The Romagna tourist district is the most important in Italy and it is right that it is an asset to be protected. In this the Guardia di Finanza has a primary role”.

In this province, several tens and millions of euros of the PNR will be invested. In this case, the Gdf’s focus is: “Prevent and monitor pathologies due to the procurement procedure and the implementation of those projects that have been assigned millions of euros. Numerous projects have been validated, so it is good to monitor the implementing bodies”.

Here is the operating budget of the Rimini Financial Police from the beginning of 2023 to 31 May this year:

In 2023 and in the first five months of 2024, the Rimini Financial Police carried out over 5 thousand inspections and 700 investigations to combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy: an “all-round” commitment to protection of families and businesses, destined to further intensify to guarantee the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.


The inspection activities allowed the identification of 48 total tax evaders, i.e. those carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities and 228 undeclared or irregular workers, of which 118 were completely undeclared.

The subjects reported for tax crimes are 103, of which 1 was arrested and the value of the seized assets constituting profit from tax evasion and tax fraud is over 10.5 million euros, while the seizure proposals amount to over 63 millions. The investigative and analytical activities on subsidized tax credits in construction and energy matters, also carried out in collaboration with the Revenue Agency, made it possible to ascertain fraud for approximately 3 million euros.

16 proposals were made for the termination of the VAT number and cancellation from the Vies database, against economic entities characterized by profiles of fiscal risk.

The 12 interventions regarding excise duties made it possible to ascertain evaded taxes amounting to 27 thousand euros and fraudulent consumption of approximately 50 thousand kg. of energy products. There are, however, 10 customs controls on goods introduced into the national territory in tax evasion, counterfeit or in violation of safety regulations, of which 3 in the foreign manufactured tobacco sector. 3 violations were found.


The activity of the Guardia di Finanza of Rimini in the sector of public spending protection is aimed at monitoring the correct use of European Union and national resources, for the implementation of interventions to support businesses and families.

The directives issued aim, as a priority, to protect projects and investments financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this context, 301 interventions were carried out aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financing. The frauds discovered to the detriment of the national, community and local budget amounted to over 258 million euros, with 70 people reported.

On the national public spending front, in the same period, 67 interventions were carried out on the subject of citizen income and new measures of inclusion and support for training and work. And uncovered illicit activities for 70 thousand euros with the consequent reporting of 11 people.

As part of the collaboration with the judicial authorities – criminal and accounting – 11 investigations were carried out on the subject of public spending, the outcome of which was 29 subjects reported to the Court of Auditors, with the ascertainment of damages to the public treasury for over 257 million euros.

In terms of procurement, assignment procedures and methods of execution of works and services for 2.4 million euros were monitored.

The action of the Rimini Fiamme Gialle in combating corruption phenomena and other crimes against the Public Administration, carried out by leveraging the particular investigative powers that characterize the economic-financial police and developing structured investigations of a technical, financial and patrimonial nature, aimed at reconstructing the criminal directions and the role of the subjects involved led to the denunciation of 6 people for embezzlement crimes and the seizure of 15 thousand euros of assets.


In the fight against organized and economic-financial crime, the Corps’ action aims to block criminal infiltration into the legal economy and, at the same time, to protect the free market and respect for the rules of healthy competition.

In the area of ​​money laundering, re-employment and self-laundering, 8 interventions were carried out, which led to the reporting of 7 people and the reconstruction of illicit operations for over 31.5 million euros with the consequent proposal to seize assets for over 30 million euros.

Over 315 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system were investigated.

At the land, sea and air borders, 290 checks were carried out on currency circulation, during which valuables and securities worth over 770 thousand euros were intercepted.

In terms of bankruptcy crimes and the business crisis code, the assets seized amount to over 10 million euros while with reference to usury and extortion, 5 individuals were reported with seizures worth 80 thousand euros.

In the context of the fight against organized crime, also aimed at identifying fictitious registrations of assets, 15 investigations were concluded.

In application of the anti-mafia legislation, 214 individuals were subjected to asset checks, which led to the application of seizure, confiscation and judicial administration measures for a value of over 35 million euros.

346 checks were then carried out following requests received from the Prefect relating to functional checks for the release of anti-mafia documentation.

In the period under review, the dependent Departments seized, in the national territory, 1.2 kg of narcotic substances, mainly cocaine and marijuana, reporting 5 individuals to the AG (of which 4 under arrest) and reporting 14 to the Prefects. The fight against illicit trafficking, in general, is also ensured within the scope of the “117” Service, which has recently been the subject of interventions in the operational, training and technical-logistical fields, aimed at increasing the operational readiness and effectiveness of intervention of patrols on the territory and naval vessels, in response to citizen reports.

In terms of protecting the market of goods and services, 54 interventions were carried out, 12 subjects were reported and 46 subjects were reported for administrative purposes. Following these activities, 73 thousand counterfeit products were seized, with false indication of made in Italy, unsafe and in violation of copyright legislation.


As part of its broader mission to contribute to the internal and external security of the country, the Guardia di Finanza ensures broad action to combat illicit trafficking of drugs, waste, weapons and human beings, often of international dimensions.

During 2023 and the first 5 months of 2024, over 4 thousand patrols were employed in the economic control of the Rimini area, also for calls to the public utility number 117, in harmonious synergy and coordination with the other police forces present in the Province. During the patrolling services, over 10 thousand people were checked.

The Financial Police, as a Police Force and State Armed Corps, is included among the operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service and is therefore called upon to deal with calamities and natural disasters as well as to provide its contribution for extraordinary events, which require intervention of an exceptional nature by the state apparatus.

In this regard, on the occasion of the bad weather emergency that hit the Emilia Romagna Region in May 2023, the Rimini Financial Police made its contribution by employing 137 patrols for a total of 274 soldiers in anti-looting activities.

In 2023, the Guardia di Finanza of Rimini spent a total of 384 man-days in public order services during demonstrations, sporting events, international meetings and other events. This commitment, which is continuing in 2024, has led to an overall use of 87 man-days in public order services.


JULY 1, 2024

EMILIA-ROMAGNA: Superbonus scam, thousands of scams


Around two thousand citizens residing in Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont would have been defrauded by a company based in the Treviso area which, between 2020 and 2022, would have guaranteed them the execution of all the bureaucratic and building procedures to obtain access to the tax credit provided by the 110% Superbonus, having sums of money advanced but without carrying out a single task. This was discovered by the Treviso Financial Police, who reported the two directors of the company for fraud. Presenting itself as a “general contractor” and therefore ensuring the supply of all the services necessary for the completion of the energy efficiency and anti-seismic adaptation works incentivized by the “Relaunch Decree”, the agency would have received a quota in advance to verify the feasibility of the works between 500 and 2,500 euros for each client, to be returned, according to the agreements, upon completion of the works. None of the agreed interventions, however, would ever be started. The amount of illicit proceeds obtained from the fraudulent conduct is estimated at approximately two million euros.

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