the Bishop promotes him to Reggio Calabria

the Bishop promotes him to Reggio Calabria
the Bishop promotes him to Reggio Calabria

During the search he underwent a few years ago, Father Carmelo Perrello, 53 year old priest from Bagnara Calabra, in the province of Reggio Calabria, was found in possession of very compromising sexually material. From that search a criminal case arose in which the prelate came accused of sexual assault on minorsi. Because of the too much time has passed since the offending eventshowever, it was declared prescribed. After years of sinking, now, Don Perrello, who had already had roles as parish priest, is promoted by the Archbishop of the Diocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova, Fortunato Morrone, who wanted him, despite everything, to head a parish.

The complaint of the young Romanian

It all starts from the complaint of a young Romanian who, in 2016, will tell what happened almost ten years earlier. The solicitations in Piazza Garibaldi, the space in front of the Reggio Calabria railway station, historically theatre of prostitution and shady encounters. Facts told to the then PM of Reggio Calabria, Roberto Di Palma, now the prosecutor for minors. Events revealed not without shame and pain. Feelings that will probably be the cause of the suicide of the young manwhich occurred a year after his revelations, in 2017.

The lure near the train station

About ten years earlier, between 2007 and 2008, the young man, who was just 13 years old at the time, was approached by the priest, Don Carmelo Perrello. A man who, as emerges from the investigation papers, was in constant search of sex. Often for a fee. Sometimes even with adults. He introduces himself to the Romanian boy with the name “Giuseppe”.

He would have given the boy some gifts. Nike shoes, but also sums of cash, 50 or 100 euros. A habit that, according to what was reconstructed by the Postal Police, Don Perrello also had with adults. In the chats seized during the search, Investigators will also discover the relationship with a young adult. A relationship, made of oral sex and online sex, that the young man’s girlfriend will also discover. Her story, in tears, in front of the investigators, will demonstrate all the moral degradation of those events.

Relationships consummated inside the prelate’s car. The 13-year-old Romanian, as can be seen from the charge for which Don Perrello will be declared prescribed in 2019 by the Gup of Reggio Calabria, Domenico Santoro, allegedly performed oral sex on the priest, in exchange for economic benefitsThe meeting was almost always in Piazza Garibaldi, and then moved to more secluded places.

Sexual encounters

Erotic chats, frequenting prostitutes. Don Perrello will be saved from condemnationwill not waive the statute of limitations and the Gup, not seeing the grounds for a filing or an acquittal, will not be able to do anything other than count the years, approximately thirteen, from the events that occurred, and declare the statute of limitations for the crime of sexual violence against a minor under 14 years of age.

After the suspension ordered by the then Archbishop Giuseppe Fiorini Morosini to calm the chaos and controversy, Don Perrello disappeared for a few years. He returns to his Bagnara Calabra, a center of the Costa Viola famous for swordfish fishing. There he settled at the Church of the Rosary, which is managed by an archconfraternity. Of this and the other two churches of Bagnara the parish priest is Don Pietro Sergi with which, according to unofficial rumors, Don Perrello would have started his spiritual journey again.

The appointment of the bishop of Reggio Calabria

Right there, in Bagnara, these days, Don Perrello is celebrating and celebrating 25 years of priesthood, having been ordained a priest on June 26, 1999. Right at the Church of the Rosary in Bagnara, he invited his brothers for the celebration: “Grateful to the Lord for the gift of the Priesthood on the 25th anniversary of my ordination, I invite you to thank the Lord with me during the Eucharistic celebration” reads the flyer.

But these days, Don Perrello would not only have this to celebrate and celebrate. Recently, last June 24, the Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova, Fortunato Morrone, in fact he appointed him parish administrator of S. Maria del Buon Consiglio in Concessa di Reggio Calabria, effective July 1, preferring him, according to leaks, to the esteemed figure of a deacon, engaged for years in humanitarian missions. So that of a few days ago would be the first official appointment.

On the matter, however, The Guarantor for Children of the Calabria Region also intervened, Antonio Marziale: “If the Pope is aware of what is happening in the parishes, then I am enormously disappointed. But, if the Pope is not informed, I say I am disappointed by those who should inform him and do not do so, that is, those who, holders of dioceses, make the appointments, the bishops”.

But Bishop Morrone, with his choice, he would in fact have taken a very specific position: “The Diocese, which slavishly followed the indications of the Roman Dicastery, deemed it appropriate for an entire two-year period to support and do accompany the aforementioned presbyter to a specialist psychotherapistexternal to the ecclesial reality, and by two brothers. At the end of this journey it was possible objectively believe that he can be entrusted with the task. Over the years, no elements have emerged that have cast doubt on Don Parrello’s suitability, therefore, pursuant to the code of canon lawit was believed that it was possible to restore confidence in the priest and serenity to the entire ecclesial community”.

July 1, 2024

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