The official poet from Gallarate Marco Oreste Marelli awarded for his lyrics

For two of his poems, one dedicated to the city of Milan and the other to seduction, Marco Oreste Marellihead of Demographic Services of Municipality of Gallarate since July 2023, the 4 maggio a Cwhat we do at the sixteenth Poetry and Fiction Competition Poetry Club and, subsequently, the June 15 a Gragnano (NA), city of pasta, at the eleventh edition of the literary competition Verses under the Irmici, painting meets poetry.

Thanks in fact to poetry The Milanese canalsMarelli was recognized in Cosenza, for the sixth consecutive year, with the “honorable mention” in section B with an obligatory theme dedicated this year to “water” by the jury chaired for the occasion by the poet Vincenzo Galluzzi. The award was presented to him by the President of the Competition Andrea Fabiani during the ceremony which took place in a large and well-appointed hall of theHotel San Francesco of Rende a few kilometers from Cosenza.

Similarly, thanks to the poem about seduction The Apple and the Thrushthe Gallaratese official obtained a Gragnano for the third consecutive year the “special mention for the originality of the text” in section B with a free theme by the jury chaired by the poet Gianni Terminiello. The prize was awarded to him by the President of the Competition Michele Schiavone in a ceremony that took place in the setting of the baroque Church of the Corpus Christi of Gragnano.

«Receiving these welcome literary awards from prestigious juries, among numerous authors, for several consecutive years, gives me yet another confirmation that my poetic style is appreciated and stimulates me to continue composing and doing better – comments Marelli, adding -. Every award ceremony is an opportunity for me to visit beautiful places in our Italy and to make friends fruitful friendships with other fellow poets. I therefore thank the presidents and juries of the two competitions for having given me the very pleasant opportunity to join them in Calabria and the Sorrento Peninsula”.


Marco Oreste Marelli, resident in Nebbiunoin the composition of his poems, is inspired by the beautiful landscapes of Lake Maggiore, where he lives, but does not forget his hometown, Milan, to which he has dedicated numerous poems in the past: “The skyscrapers of Milan”, “The Ca’ Granda of Milan State University”, “The Derby of Milan”, “Conca Fallata “, etc. He particularly remembers, in recent years, precisely because he dedicated part of his poetic production to the city of Milan, Dr. Marelli’s candidacy for the Ambrogino d’Oro.

As an author, he remains one of the last Italian exponents and scholars of the poetry in metric and rhymegenerally with alternating rhyme, with the division of the verses, mainly octosyllables and novenaries, into stanzas (octaves) of nineteenth-century style, which recalls poets such as Alessandro Manzoni and Giovanni Pascoli.

His poetry, which he defines as aunion between science and art”, is at the same time lyrical and didactic, sometimes commemorativesometimes celebratory, sometimes merely sentimental. There are numerous historical and cultural references in it. Beyond the meaning and content, what is striking about his poetry is theharmony and rhythmwhich derives from proportion, order and musicality of words which, with repeated reading, insinuate themselves permanently into the mind, as happens with the classic poems which were learned by heart at school.

In the professional curriculum of Dr. Marelli there are also, from 2001 onwards, the Municipalities of Zibido San Giacomo (MI), Bogogno (NO), and in the Varese area Cardano al Campo, Busto Arsizio e Sixth Calende. In addition to writing poems, some of which have been published in anthologies and worthy of literary recognition, the eclectic municipal official, father of Paolo, aged 20, and Stefano, aged 16, has obtained the qualification to practice lawyerand PhD in administrative lawa Master in communication in public policies and is a volleyball referee at the Milan-Monza-Lecco Territorial Committee and beachvolley referee at the Lombardy Regional Committee.

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