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Friday the first of the meetings on the GIFT promoted by the Municipality and the CSVE –

Friday the first of the meetings on the GIFT promoted by the Municipality and the CSVE –
Friday the first of the meetings on the GIFT promoted by the Municipality and the CSVE –

The first meeting of the cycle “THE GIFT-Subversive Gesture of Freedom and Relationship” will be held on Friday 5 July 2024 at 5.00 pm on the occasion of the Volunteer Festival in Ragusa, in the Centro Polifunctionale conference room via Colajanni.

This is a series of meetings promoted by the Department of Health, Health Policies and Community Development of the Municipality of Ragusa in collaboration with the Centro Servizio Volontariato Etneo, with all the Scout groups, with the “club service” that carry out community service activities.

The community– declares Councilor Giovanni Iaconoit arises when one becomes aware of having duties towards the generalized other, not one’s own oikos, one’s family, one’s friends, one’s ‘clan’ but the generalized other, the stranger, the unknown. The gift creates civic spirit, trust, reciprocity, relationship. Social capital is a gift, the gift is relationship, the gift is trust, the gift is solidarity, the gift creates community. The opposite is individualism, selfishness, narcissism, anger, hatred, everything that today appears to distinguish contemporary society”

After the institutional greetings of the mayor Peppe Cassi, the councilor Giovanni Iacono and the President of the CSVE Frank Raffawill report Kate Vaccaro sociologist, head of the health and welfare area of ​​CENSIS who will speak about the Censis report on “Well being and bad being”, the President of the Order of Social Workers of Friuli Venezia Giulia Tiziana Da Dalt which will focus on “Community Experiences”. Instead, the social workers will talk about “Experience at the service of fragility”. Salvatore Poidomani e Mark Santoro respectively the first National Secretary of Sunas and the second President of the Advisory Commission for Continuing Training of the Order of Social Workers of FVG. The meeting will be moderated by Filippo Spadola, social worker.

Department of Health, Social Worker, Series of Meetings, Municipality of Ragusa, CSVE, Dono, Filippo Spadola, Giovanni Iacono, Ketty Vaccaro, Marco Santoro, Peppe Cassi, Salvatore Poidomani, Tiziana Da Dalt

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