Calabria, a summer of hospitality and inclusion

Caritas Italiana renews the project “Accoglienza e Vacanze Solidali” this year too, offering an opportunity for serenity and support for over 500 minors from Nikopol, Ukraine. Not only Ukrainian children, an alternative to the risky journeys of hope, remain the humanitarian corridors activated by Caritas itself. In Calabria, 21 Afghan refugees arrived in recent days: welcomed, they will be started on integration and inclusion projects.

From Ukraine to Calabria for a summer far from war

The theme chosen for 2024, “It is more beautiful together”, involves numerous diocesan Caritas and aims to provide a safe and stimulating environment for Ukrainian children, helping them to overcome the traumas of war through positive experiences. Caritas of Cosenza was among the first to welcome the childrenin 50, arrived in Lamezia on a special flight. Currently, these minors are staying in a hotel on the Tyrrhenian coast, where they participate in various activities designed to aid their emotional and psychological recovery.

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Activities include days at the seaside between Amantea and Paola, mountain excursions in Sila towns and educational workshops, all organized by the diocesan Caritas of Cosenza Bisignano in collaboration with religious people, operators, volunteers and the local community.

The project is financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference through 8xmille funds, allowing minors and their companions to spend a holiday in Italy, far from the war and the difficult conditions they have faced for over two years.

A network of solidarity and hospitality that involves multiple realities

The Caritas of Cosenza, Lamezia Terme, Como, Senigallia, Iglesias, Jesi and Ugento – Santa Maria di Leuca will host the children in two separate shifts, from 15 June to 30 August, in facilities located by the sea and in the mountains. The ACLI will also participate in the program, managing the hospitality of a group in Piedmont.

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The project – as Don has already had the opportunity to explain Bruno DiDomenicodirector of Caritas of Cosenza – «it is not just a welcome project, but it is an extraordinary opportunity for community animation».

The initiative aims to create a solidarity network involving schools, municipalities, associations, the ecclesial community and young people, with the aim of building a supportive brotherhood and promoting the theme of peace. Immediately after Cosenza, in Calabria, the diocese of Lamezia Terme will also be hosting other small Ukrainian guests.

Welcome and inclusion for a summer in Calabria

Today, however, it is the turn of 42 children and girls with eight companions, who, coming from Nikopol in Ukraine, will spend fifteen days of carefree in Lamezia Terme, far from that war-torn territory.

A gesture of hope that, as stated by the director of the diocesan Caritas, Don Fabio Stanizzoin an interview with Vatican Radio, «becomes concrete» for these children who «have lost their home, their parents, but have not lost hope because in their eyes you can read and see the desire to continue living».

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“With this project we want, in a concrete way, to take care of these brothers and sisters of ours who, less fortunate than us, are still living under the bombs and rubble of war,” Stanizzo explained. In recent months, in fact, many volunteers, including the Ukrainian community present in the Diocese, have contributed to the drafting of a program of initiatives to ensure that these children can experience moments of communion and serenity.

In particular, the little Ukrainians who have been sleeping in the diocese of Lamezia Terme will go to the seaside, where there have been many beaches that have welcomed the proposal of Caritas, in Sila and will also participate in the various initiatives that are starting or have already started in the oratories with the Grest and the Summer Camps for children.

In Oppido Palmi, Afghan refugees welcomed thanks to humanitarian corridors

In recent days, 191 Afghan refugees arrived in Fiumicino on a flight from Islamabad thanks to the humanitarian corridors promoted by the Italian Episcopal Conference (through Italian Caritas), Community of Sant’Egidio, Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Tavola Valdese, Arci , in agreement with the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs.

The Afghan citizens, refugees in Pakistan since August 2021, have been transferred to different regions to be immediately started on the path to integration, starting from learning the language and finding work, thanks to a project entirely supported by the proposing organizations, supported by some NGOs, including Solidaire, which contributed to organizing the flight from Pakistan, Fondazione Pangea and Nove Onlus, which for months have secured some of the families in their homes. safe house.

The refugees were welcomed in houses and structures made available by the diocesan Caritas, the Community of Sant’Egidio, the Italian Protestant Churches, the Arci clubs, as well as Italian associations and citizens, who offered their apartments to host them. As regards the Caritas network, the dioceses involved are Catania, Milan and Oppido Mamertina Palmi, which will take care of 21 people.

300 refugees welcomed safely in two years

With this arrival Italian Caritas brings his commitment to conclusion Safely relocate over 300 Afghan refugees from Pakistan and Turkey in two years. «Many families with children – states Caritas – in recent years have found safety and serenity in Italy and Europe, after long periods of precariousness lived in fear and hiding».

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«New humanitarian and labor corridors will soon open from Jordan – it is announced – to give strength and legs to an intuition that over time has transformed into a project that can become a European model».

“As always, the emotion was tangible and in the children’s eyes you can see the light of the future, a future, hopefully, full of peace and serenity”, the comment of the Caritas operators of Oppi-Palmi who, in Fiumicino, welcomed the new arrivals.

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