Ferrara looking for a ‘big’. Romondia in Pescara

Ferrara looking for a ‘big’. Romondia in Pescara
Ferrara looking for a ‘big’. Romondia in Pescara

By the end of this week, Ferrara Basket should close the first incoming moves and begin to make an impact on its roster, which will certainly include the reconfirmed Ballabio, Marchini and Yarbanga, as well as the youngsters Braga and Dioli, much appreciated by coach Benedetto and a permanent fixture in the renewed white and blue team. Yesterday, the club said goodbye to the 2005-born point guard Riccardo Romondia (pictured), who in the ideas of DS Pulidori and the coach from Reggio would have represented the fourth reconfirmation, but the boy has legitimately chosen to play his chances elsewhere, precisely in Pescara. The park of the little ones will be completed by a player ‘out of category’: not the baby from Cremona Tommaso Vecchiola therefore, the names of Laganà and Diomede remain in vogue, both already trained by Benedetto, but it is not excluded that Ferrara could seize an opportunity on the foreign market. In the “3” spot the goal is to close for the Turini-Solaroli duo: the first a great scorer while the second is more of a defender, therefore complementary to each other. Under the basket the arrival of the big man Giulio Martini has faded, who has preferred B1 and will play in Agrigento, in the role of power forward the contacts with the veteran Giulio Casagrande continue.

Jacob Cavallini

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