Security, 150 agents for Campania, mostly for Naples

Security, 150 agents for Campania, mostly for Naples
Security, 150 agents for Campania, mostly for Naples

“The League continues its work in the Government to ensure ever greater safety to citizens: in addition to the 4,800 new operators of the Police Forces throughout Italy, for a total of over 7,000 in the summer period, 150 more units including Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza have been assigned to Campania, in support of the Forces of the Order already present in the territory.

As part of the plan to strengthen summer surveillance services that will start next July 1, the assignment for the provinces of Salerno, Naples and Caserta of an inter-force quota between Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza to support the Law Enforcement Forces already present in the territory and, for the province of Avellino, the opening of permanent seasonal positions in Montevergine and Altopiano Laceno, are a concrete sign of attention that the Ministry of the Interior reserves for our Region and for which we thank Minister Matteo Piantedosi and Undersecretary Nicola Molteni.

The agents will be available to the Prefects of the various capitals, who will identify the most appropriate location in relation to the critical issues that have emerged in the territories. Once again from the executive and from the League to the government the demonstration with facts that the protection of safety and the safety of citizens represents an absolute priority”.

“The League’s commitment to the Government is confirmed with a view to ensuring greater safety to the citizens of the province of Naples. Over 100 reinforcements between Police units, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza and Penitentiary Police. A concrete demonstration and in the facts of the great attention on the part of Minister Piantedosi and Undersecretaries Molteni and Ostellari. The great work of the Executive therefore continues, ensuring order and protection for the citizens of Naples, the hope is that the same commitment will also be reciprocated by local administrations that prefer to argue rather than work for the community”.

Thus the Campania senator Gianluca Cantalamessa of the League

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