Child Abuse in Care Facility, Employee Arrested – Breaking News

Child Abuse in Care Facility, Employee Arrested – Breaking News
Child Abuse in Care Facility, Employee Arrested – Breaking News

A 59-year-old with no criminal record, an employee of a health facility in the Etna hinterland, was arrested and placed under house arrest by the Flying Squad of the Catania Police Headquarters for sexual acts against minors who frequented the facility where he works.

The Police executed a precautionary order against him issued by the investigating judge at the request of the District Attorney’s Office. According to the prosecution, the man “abusing the powers connected to the position he held would have been responsible for serious conduct towards minors, suffering from pathologies, who attend the care institution”, where the 59-year-old has been working since 1993. The documents of the investigation by the Catania Public Prosecutor’s Office included the “detailed testimonies of the three minors involved”, who were heard in a protected hearing, and “elements deduced from some chats found on the cell phones of two of the offended persons”.

The investigations were launched after the complaint of the mother of a 13-year-old to whom the man, in exchange for sexual acts, allegedly gave sweets, chips, cans of Coca-Cola and a pair of sunglasses. He also allegedly promised him money for his name day and birthday, also sending him “messages on a chat with a clear sexual nature”. The 59-year-old allegedly attempted an approach with two other minors: he allegedly gave one of them some money, between 15 and 20 euros, and gave them sweets and a bracelet.

The man was arrested and placed under house arrest. During the execution of the precautionary measure, on behalf of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters carried out a search, seizing the cell phone and other computer material used by the suspect.

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