Grosseto: “over” market already in place?

Grosseto: “over” market already in place?
Grosseto: “over” market already in place?

Among the “big” ones, it is the one that has to intervene the least on the market: Grosseto di Roberto Malotti starts from a solid base and a strong team for the 2024725 season, which officially started today. The team, which will carry out the retreat in Reggello, has been strengthened in some key points, but certainly not overturned by the dg Philip Vetrini.
There are four arrivals in the overs field. The latest in chronological order is the left-handed central defender from San Donato Tavarnelle Francesco Frosali (93), presented just yesterday. Then in midfield here is the insertion of Isuf Cela (96) who was one of the cornerstones of Malotti’s Montevarchi, winner of the championship in 2021: the former Prato captain has now recovered from his injury last December (when he was the team’s top scorer with 6 goals) and will be able to give quantity, quality and race to the Maremma median line. Forward here are the insertions “from Valdarno” by Massimiliano Benucci (98), ex Sangiovannese, and Nicolas Boiga (03), ex Montevarchi.
Net of what could happen with the two attacking midfielders Damiano Rinaldini (95) e Gianni Riccobono (95), requested on the market, with Grosseto looking around to protect themselves with valid replacements in case of the two being sold, the team would be practically ready (even if some other arrivals among the quotas are certain).
In goal confirmed Francis Raphael (05), with a three-man defense that would currently see the choice between Richard Cretella (94), Peter Saio (02), Matteo Morelli (03) and the latest arrival Francesco Frosali (93). In midfield on the outside here are the odds Philip Fregoli (06) o Francesco Violante (06) on the right, and Lorenzo Aprili (04) o Mattia Macchi (04) on the left; in the center here are the alternatives Isuf Cela (96), Piergiorgio Sabelli (96) e Samuele Sacchini (02). In front, behind the untouchable totem Edoardo Marzierli (93), four foreign strikers or attacking midfielders to provide quality: the confirmed ones Damiano Rinaldini (95) e Gianni Riccobono (95), and the new ones Massimiliano Benucci (98) e Nicolas Boiga (03).
In short, a squadron for a boss Gianni Lamioni!

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