Controversy over public money from the Region to football teams in the regional council

Controversy over public money from the Region to football teams in the regional council
Controversy over public money from the Region to football teams in the regional council

The controversy started on social media about public money allocated by the Region to the Serie A, B and C football teams of Liguria has also reached the regional council. A quarrel that has been going on for several years.

“More public money for Sampdoria and Genoa, now that’s enough”, controversy in the Region

Sansa’s questions in the classroom

Opposition councilor Ferruccio Sansa has in fact presented a question through which he asked the council who obtained entrance tickets to the stadium, and in what number, from the companies affected by the application of regional law 18 of 2021. The councilor recalled that for 2024/2025 the Council spent 1 million and 600 thousand euros in favor of sports clubs that are often large and that the regional law requires that part of the money be spent on advertising spots on TV and in newspapers. In recent days Sansa had also provided data on the division of the figures: approximately 650 thousand euros to Genoa, 750 thousand euros divided between Sampdoria and Spezia and 160 thousand euros between Entella and Sestri Levante.

Councillor Piana’s reply

The councilor for economic development Alessio Piana has specified that the funds of the call are intended only for the promotion of the territory, through the use of the brand ‘La mia Liguria’ in material and digital platforms, clothing, commercials and social channels and that, therefore, the purchase of free tickets for members of the regional council or third parties is not foreseen. Regarding the request of who is the recipient of any free or reduced-price tickets, the councilor added that, since these are liberal acts of individual companies external to the Region and of a private regime, no act or document can be found.

Toti List: “Significant benefits in terms of visibility and tourism promotion”

Lista Toti also replied to Sansa in a note: “Once again we are obliged to reiterate some facts related to what you define as a waste of public money – it reads -. For several years, Ligurian sports teams have been sponsored by ‘La mia Liguria’, an initiative that has brought significant benefits in terms of visibility and tourism promotion for our territory. The writing on the team shirts, visible both to spectators on the field and to those following the matches on TV, has helped to make the beauties of our region known to a vast and diversified audience. Thanks to this sponsorship, in fact, the Region has obtained significant visibility during Serie A, B and Lega Pro matches, with an investment of just over 1.5 million euros that is not deducted from any important budget, as it would have us believe, but from specific funds provided for promotional activities”.

Lista Toti who then continues: “Every year, councilor Sansa raises doubts about this initiative, but the promotion of the brand ‘My Liguria’ through sports teams has led to an increase in tourist interest in our region, helping to support the local economy. On the other hand, this is just one of the actions implemented that over time have revalued our region, which has become a favorite tourist destination not only for Italians, but also for international “foreigners”. Is this perhaps what annoys the good Sansa? In the face of the income for the various sectors of the economy involved, from traders to hoteliers to restaurateurs, would he prefer an isolated and sad Liguria? Everything that is rebirth and growth and that exploits the visibility of stages within reach and loved by all such as football championships, creates a danger of “unwanted arrivals”? The rice cake, we want to remind all the opposition, is not finished, indeed it is increasingly tasty, also thanks to the good wandering pesto and the matches of teams that all Italians are passionate about”.

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