Messina Water Crisis, Pd Public Assembly

Messina Water Crisis, Pd Public Assembly
Messina Water Crisis, Pd Public Assembly

MESSINA – The water crisis in Messina. The issue is being addressed by the Circolo Pd of the IV Circoscrizione, which invites citizens. The appointment is Monday 1 July, at 6:30 pm, in Piazza S. Vincenzo, with a public meeting on the emergency. The coordinator Armando Hyerace (in the photo) underlines: “The situation on the island is extremely serious and there is a risk that it could worsen with inevitable repercussions on the economy and services. An emergency caused not only by climate change that affects the entire planet, but which has specific responsibilities in the previous and current center-right government for the failure to plan and implement the necessary interventions to avoid or at least limit the damage we are witnessing today. What happened at Lake Pergusa is proof of this. And in Messina? The mantra of the De Luca/Basile administrations of the last 6 years “water 24/7” has come up against the harsh reality and for a few days now even in the city water has been rationed. A circumstance that makes you smile if you think that, since always, in many areas, already at 11:30 there is no running water…”.

And again: “However, there are many questions that citizens legitimately ask themselves: if, as declared by the administration, the serious emergency situation has been known for at least a year, what has been done to limit future inconveniences as much as possible, especially in the summer period? Shouldn’t we have intervened earlier, even with unpopular but undoubtedly necessary measures? And yet, on December 31st (and before that also on August 15th) the city found itself without water and Amam blamed the poor service on the “low rainfall recorded in the last six months” and the “higher consumption related to
to the holidays.” If these were really the reasons, why are emergency measures being put in place only today and what should we then expect in August with the increase in heat and use of water?”.

“An assembly in the square because the water crisis can get worse and we want to shed light on political responsibilities”

Hyerace continues: “Why was a notice published only on June 5th for the construction with project financing of two desalination plants of sea water for drinking? There are many other questions and doubts that will have to be answered, even in the next extraordinary city council requested on the subject by the city councilors of the Democratic Party. We therefore wanted to organize a discussion open to the citizens, in the square, to try to shed light also on the political responsibilities of this worrying situation, which risks progressively worsening”.

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