Gianrico Carofiglio in Barletta –

A meeting to reflect on the value of solidarity through the magnifying glass of the culture that fuels scientific research.
These are the coordinates of the event organized by the association “Il Dono di Luca” which will see Gianrico Carofiglio as protagonist in a dialogue with the author and with the author on July 5th at 8:30 pm at the Tennis Club of Barletta.
During the evening there will be a dialogue that will start from a concept very dear to the writer from Bari: “Never look back, you have already been there”.
In short, a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life and all those behaviors that put it at the center despite everything.
Entrance to the solidarity and cultural event is by invitation and the donation collection point is located inside the Mondadori Barletta Corso Vittorio Emanuele bookshop.
The Odv «Il dono di Luca» was born in the aftermath of the death of the young lawyer from Barletta Luca Caruso due to a brain tumor.
“Always with great conviction and emotion we wanted to organize this event that has as its cardinal points research, solidarity, culture and hope – declared Paola and Mimmo Caruso, Luca’s parents and animators of the association “Il Dono di Luca” -. From now on we would like to thank Gianrico Carofiglio and Giuliano Foschini who have shown great sensitivity towards the purpose of our association, the President of the Hugo Simmen Tennis Club – Barletta Savino Lapalombella, with the Board of Directors and all the members, who wanted to actively participate in our initiative, the Mayor of Barletta Dr. Cosimo Cannito, with the entire Executive and the City Council, who continue to support us in our initiative, the President of the Bcc of Canosa and Loconia Antonio Sabatino and his Board of Directors, precious in their support and all those who with great affection have always followed and supported our mission of raising funds for scientific research”.

Tuesday 2 July 2024


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