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Salerno Airport, works and connections before the inauguration: «The future takes shape»

Salerno Airport, works and connections before the inauguration: «The future takes shape»
Salerno Airport, works and connections before the inauguration: «The future takes shape»

That “landscape within the landscape” project which is about to take off. It was more than a year ago when the expansion of the airport terminal created by the architectural firm Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia was presented and which seemed to look too far ahead, between sustainability and modern lines providing the backdrop for the wings of airliners and “Qsr” branded trips.

But today is already the future while on the calendar it says July and it translates as “start Amalfi Coast airport, Salerno”. The date had already been marked in red for some time, the preparations around the Pontecagnano airport have become even more intense in recent days. The countdown marks 10 days from today and between the curious and the organisation, there is an intense week to experience behind the scenes of a years-long wait. Everything is ready or almost: the final sprint will begin around the Pontecagnano airport from today which will certainly also include the arrangement of the area surrounding the structure where the first plane from Milan will land on 11 July at around 11.30am.

The track is ready and on social media to attract the attention of the people of Salerno These are the photos published by De Sanctis Costruzioni (a leading company in Italy in the field of public and private works, particularly in the construction of road, railway and airport infrastructures) with an emblematic caption: “Step by step, the future takes shape”.

And it is from here that the Amalfi Coast will restart together with the airlines that they have chosen to embrace an economic recovery project and tourism in the South. The second airport in Campania that bears the signature of Gesac after that of Naples Capodichino but which really makes users dream who in recent days have literally “racked up” to secure a ticket for a flight to and from the airport with the “Qsr” code “. And so among the social games to pass the time and the photos of the vehicles in motion that work day after day taking care of every single detail, there are those who try to point out the state of degradation in which the roadways leading to the airport find themselves, with the hope that something can move: «The opening of the airport is good but getting there is an odyssey – says a resident of nearby Bellizzi. I hope they redo the road surface and above all that they can clean and cut all the grass surrounding the airport . There’s still some time, we hope to make a good impression.” And while we try to understand what is missing from the great puzzle of the now very near future, they emerge again the shapes of road transport connections.

Among taxi agreements from the municipality of Agropoli which they go to the port and dedicated bus connections from Cilentoeven private bus lines are starting to organize. This is the case of Curcio bus lines: «From July 11th our new routes to Naples and Salerno airports will be available – the company announces on social media – in collaboration with Antonio Palmentieri bus lines, with the FlyBusLink service.

On July 11th there will be the start of the races with dedicated timetables only for the inaugural day, followed by the publication of the timetables in force from July 12th to September 30th on our website where the service for online purchases of discounted tickets will soon be operational. Don’t miss the opportunity – they conclude – to travel comfortably to your flight”. In the meantime, in the past few days the airport vehicles that will be used by the individual airlines have also been delivered and transported, complete with logos and brands (Volotea, Ryanair and EasyJet) while there is great anticipation for the charter flights that – according to rumors – will touch many destinations with a summer flavor. Probably this very morning will also bring news from the point of view of the tour operators called upon to organize trips with the use of charter flights who have chosen Salerno as their destination but also to take off to destinations not included in the routes of the major airlines.


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