Will Media meets L’Aquila. Appointment on July 4th

Will Media meets L’Aquila. Appointment on July 4th
Will Media meets L’Aquila. Appointment on July 4th

“How do I find the right job for me? Will Media – the online community of more than 1.9 million people that aims to inspire change by generating awareness on the big issues of our time (LK, IG, YT) – is pleased to invite you to its Will Meets, a listening tour by Will that aims to meet the community to stimulate a conversation on topics of social interest. Will Media, in collaboration with Iliad Italia, is carrying out a campaign onwork orientation dedicated to the younger generations, particularly in STEM subjects, and has decided to stop in The Eagle.

The event is free and will be held on July 4th at 7pm at the MAXXI in Piazza Santa Maria Paganica 15. Please register at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/will-meets-come-trovo-il-lavoro-giusto-per-me-tickets-928501020547

Following the greetings of Ersilia LanciaCouncilor for Tourism and Equal Opportunities of L’Aquila, and the introduction to the Will and Iliad project by Clara Morelli (author Will Media) e Michael Rillo (Chief of Staff & External Affairs Director iliad), the event will be structured in two parts. The first part Will Talks will focus on orientation and the world of work for young people and will include:

1. Marcello Crucianelli, Full Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Dept. of Physical and Chemical Sciences (DSFC), University of L’Aquila, member of the DSFC Orientation Commission.

2. Chiara Parisse, PhD student at the University of Teramo, Trusted Advisor of the Gran Sasso Science Institute and President of ESN L’Aquila, an association that helps internationally mobile students to be included in community life.

3. Antinisca Di Marco, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Engineering, Information Science and Mathematics (DISIM) of the University of L’Aquila. Coordinator of PINKAMP- Girls matter! (www.pinkamp.disim.univaq.it) the University of L’Aquila summer camp for high school girls on topics of computer science, information engineering and mathematics, and much more! Moderator: Clara Morelli, Author of Will Media, for which she deals with economic dissemination.

The second part will be in the format SwingWill’s format with Ice-breaking games and statement readings, which invites the community to take a position on a topic in order to stimulate dialogue (reference here) At the end of the event, an aperitif will follow.

Don’t miss it, we’ll see you on July 4th!”


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