School buses, registrations open – Pescara

School buses, registrations open – Pescara
School buses, registrations open – Pescara

PESCARA. Registration is now open for the school transport service for eight schools in the comprehensive institutes 1, 7 and 9 of Pescara. The Municipality’s service for the 2024/2025 school year concerns the “Rodari” primary school, the “Foscolo” middle school, the “Masih” primary school, the “Don Milani” primary school, the “Ugo Foscolo” lower secondary school, the “Raffaele La Porta” primary school, the “Colli” primary school in Largo Madonna and the “Colli” primary school in the Virgilio middle school. The notice, which formally opens the terms, was published on the website of the Municipality of Pescara (among the “news”), together with the forms to be submitted, and is aimed at students residing in Pescara who live in areas not served or not adequately served by public transport or with objective difficulties in reaching the school premises (i.e. those areas in which the trips have a frequency of more than twenty minutes during the time slots for entering and exiting the classroom). The service does not apply to those who choose a school further away from the one of competence, except in the case in which the interested party has uselessly processed the requests relating to the schools of competence and provided that the routes, times, stops and number of vehicles are not modified. The announcement comes from the mayor Charles Masci and from the councilor Gianni Santilliwhich explain the details. The rate is independent of the number of rides used and is zero for those with an ISEE of zero and reaches, at most, the annual sum of 218.40 euros for those with an ISEE higher than 10,632.93 euros. The criteria that will be taken into account in drawing up the ranking concern the socio-economic disadvantage of the family, the inability of parents to accompany their children to school, the distance from the school, the age of the student and the order of arrival of the applications. It is possible to request a reduction in the rate, but also exemption.
Payment will be made through the Pago Pa platform and the payment notice will be sent to families via email by the Integrated Education System Service of the Municipality. The receipt for the 50% payment must be shown when collecting the identification card, the balance no later than April 30th. Anyone who is not in order for the 2023/2024 year will be excluded from the ranking. The deadline for submitting applications is set for 1:00 p.m. on July 31st and the application can be delivered by hand, to the protocol office of the Municipality, or sent by registered mail or Pec.

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