Surprise deal, Lapadula is the attacking move

Surprise deal, Lapadula is the attacking move
Surprise deal, Lapadula is the attacking move

Redemption is still possible for Gianluca Lapadula, very popular in Italy and about to begin his new adventure.

Relaunch objective for Gianluca Lapadula who has not had the most fortunate seasons of his career in recent years. At the moment the 1990-born centre-forward is busy in the USA where he is playing the Copa America with his Peru, once he returns they might not return to Cagliari but to settle directly at his new club.

Goodbye Cagliari, Lapadula arrives in attack (Ansa) –

In Italy there are those who are ready to get serious about Lapadula who, according to the contract, will be linked to the islanders until 2025. The rossoblù parenthesis, which began last year and is destined to end in this session of transfer markethas not been very lucky for the Turin striker who is now looking for a new placement. After a good year in Serie B, the Cagliari striker has not managed to repeat himself in the top division.

Only 4 goals all season for him who is therefore struggling to find his true dimension. Another chance seems ready to knock on the doors of the Peruvian striker who could wear black and white in the next few weeks: the club is ready to close the deal.

Transfer market, they want Lapadula: the Bianconeri are serious

He thought about talking about the future of the talented left-hander Tuttosport which revealed the strong interest on the part of the Cesena. The Juventus club was among those that most amazed during the last season and that still continues to be hungry for success today. The 96 points scored last year don’t seem to have satisfied the Romagna team with anything other than Lapadula they are ready to take a further leap forward.

Lapadula changes team, new club revealed (Ansa) –

Next season will be the return season Serie B for Cesena who have been missing from the top league since the distant 2017. After 17 years the team currently led by Michael Mignani is ready to re-embrace the second division. However, it will not be a transition season for the club which, as mentioned, still wants to amaze and do well.

For this reason, the first piece for the restart is that of Lapadula. A striker who has perhaps disappointed a little in A league but who has proved decisive in the lower leagues. Just a year ago at this time the Cagliari he was promoted and he did it also thanks to the goals of his striker: 21 in the year of his return to Serie A. The deal could go through for less than 2 million euros.

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