SLC Cgil Avellino Benevento, new secretariat elected

SLC Cgil Avellino Benevento, new secretariat elected
SLC Cgil Avellino Benevento, new secretariat elected

The General Assembly of the SLC Cgil Avellino Benevento meeting on Saturday 30 June, at the headquarters of the SPI Cgil Avellino in Viale Italia 40, in the presence of the General Secretary of the Cgil Avellino Franco Fiordellisi, elected the secretariat which is composed as follows General Secretary Rocco Ferullo (Poste Italiane), Sabino La Rocca (TIM), Angela La Rocca (Italpack), Elena Fonzo (Poste Italiane) unanimously.

The discussion and debate that followed focused on Safety in the workplace, a national demonstration on safety and against gangmastering, called by the CGIL in Latina for next Saturday 6 July; National Contract Renewals with critical issues regarding salary increases, working hours and precariousness; and also focus on Constitutional Reforms, Labor Referendum and Differentiated Autonomy.

The Secretary Slc Cgil Rocco Ferullo explained on the merits “Critical issues that are faced in the company Poste Italiane between the sale of public shares, critical issues of renewal of the CCNL both for the salary part and for Working Hours, but if this is the difficulty of the national level at the territorial level, after the round of assemblies related to the restructuring, strong divergences in relationships with the local managers of Poste Italiane have emerged but also with a trade union that for years has conditioned the territory, but which is no longer accepted and acceptable, participation and sharing with everyone is needed.” thus concluded the Secretary Slc Ferullo in closing.

“Rights to training, safety and health protection, work environment and territory, with the fight against job and therefore economic precariousness, on these major issues the CGIL is and must be in the field with even more strength and conviction than the entire body of delegates and executive officials” this is how the general secretary of Cgil Avellino Franco Fiordellisi began his closing speech “in wishing the newly elected Slc Cgil Avellino Benevento secretariat good work, we must strengthen the information actions on the referendum issues on work, given that this week the collection of signatures is concluded, but the information must necessarily be renewed, in all workplaces, of the reasons that see us head-on against the Calderoli reform, approved by the Meloni government, on the push for Differentiated Autonomy, this model undermines workers’ rights and pensioners not only with the disappearance of Essential Public Services such as Health, Education and Transport, but it affects the world of work with the disappearance of National Collective Labor Agreements, of differentiated wages, there is a lack of general and unambiguous planning on digital, energy and transport infrastructure; and if these critical issues are linked to tax reform, the destructuring of the Italian Constitution and of the social rights achieved in recent years is complete!”.

The general secretary of Cgil Avellino Fiordellisi appears very concerned about the stability of the welfare state also due to the sell-off of important and delicate industrial assets in the sectors followed by the SLC such as TimTelecom and Poste Italiane “Making cash by selling off strategic companies for the digital future, for the management and transport of sensitive data means not having the fate of the country of Italy at heart, this government will go down in history as the government that sold off its last jewels to multinationals and foreign financial groups, and in any case the state coffers are empty. For all these reasons we have been and will continue to be in the field, to mobilize, for the good of workers, precarious workers and pensioners, we will not stop. Our social and political beacon is the full application of the principles of the Italian Constitution, our Via Maestra, for this Saturday 6 July we will also participate in the demonstration in Latina from Irpinia.”

The new SLC CGIL Avellino Benevento secretariat will have many things to deal with but it will certainly do so with workers in the best participatory and shared way, Good Work.

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