“Here I became a true Napolacco”

“Here I became a true Napolacco”
“Here I became a true Napolacco”

We loved each other so much. Goodbyes are never pleasant, especially if in the last few months there has been a few too many tears. But the ending is a tear-jerker. A true amarcord between Napoli and Zielinski. Yesterday the club said goodbye to all the players whose contracts expired. For the Pole, however, Napoli reserved a special video on their social profiles to thank him for eight years spent in the shadow of Vesuvius, seasoned with “two unforgettable trophies and the scudetto after 33 years”. Among the many images and the many goals (51 with the blue shirt) scored by Piotr, the contribution ends with the midfielder lying on the ground after the goal scored by Raspadori at the Juventus Stadium. That is one of the images of the scudetto. From today Piotr Zielinski he is a new Inter player, but eight years at Napoli are not forgotten. The video immediately went viral, as did Piotr’s first message, who replied: “Forever in my heart, thank you Napoli!”

There’s more. The midfielder wanted to post a touching farewell letter on social media. «Naples, my dear Naples. After 8 long years our paths separate. You welcomed me when I was a boy and I leave as a man and a father. Naples was my home and will always be part of me and my family. I have lived unique and indelible moments that I will keep and cherish in my heart, Naples, you have given me so many friends who will be part of my life forever. I thank you unique fans with a big heart. You have always made me feel part of you, together we won important trophies, then the Scudetto after 33 years. What an immense joy to celebrate it all together. I will always be grateful to this shirt! I thank the club that allowed me all this and all the staff that accompanied me on this journey. Thank you forever with me. Your “Napolacco” Zielu».

The market

From today Napoli will launch the assault for Alexander Good morning of Turin. Cairo asks for 45 million, De Laurentiis has gone up to 35 (plus 5 in bonuses). The deal will happen. He is also getting closer Leonardo Spinazzola (one year plus one year contract for the former Roma player). In attack, however, Osimhen is still waiting for the right call (the Arab track does not excite him). Arsenal and Manchester United want to negotiate at figures lower than the clause (120 million). In any case, the alternative that responds to the name of Romelu Lukaku. Big Rom is also liked by Milan, but prefers Conte. Manna has never lost track of Artem Dovbyk27 years old and 25 goals with Girona.


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