green oases that have become risk areas –

“I would kindly like to know who takes care of the maintenance of the parks in our charming city.” The complaint comes from a citizen concerned about the state of abandonment affecting several of the city’s green areas.

«The neglect of these more or less large green spaces, created to welcome families with children or elderly people looking for refreshment or simply to enjoy moments of relaxation in the shade of leafy trees, determines their useless unusability», he continues.

In addition to the aesthetic degradation, the lack of maintenance creates serious safety problems. “I don’t want to talk about the intrinsic danger due to the undergrowth that has been the master here for time immemorial now – the complaint underlines -. Next to the park located near the San Raffaele, there is a very busy RSA, I don’t dare to imagine what could happen if a cigarette butt were carelessly thrown into these flowerbeds”.

The citizen asks for timely intervention from the competent authorities to restore the decorum and safety of the city parks. «An extraordinary and ordinary maintenance plan is necessary that returns these green spaces to citizens, guaranteeing their usability and safety».

Sunday 30 June 2024


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