Reggio, fire devastates a warehouse: several homes evacuated

Reggio, fire devastates a warehouse: several homes evacuated
Reggio, fire devastates a warehouse: several homes evacuated

And violent fire it broke out inside a shed used for electrical material storage in locality Santo Spiritoin the southern area of Reggio Calabriacausing a dense and tall column of black smoke.

The property concerned, of approx two hundred square meters, It has a metal load-bearing structure and paneled walls insulated, with coverage in sheet metal.

Several residents raised the alarm, who were promptly evacuated by rescuers. Three teams of the Fire Brigade were on site, as many as 25 people arrived from the capital and from the detachments of Villa Saint John and Melito with the support of water supply tankers, a self-protector wagon and a rescue officer to coordinate the operations.

The firefighters have A total of around forty families were rescued and with no small amount of effort put out the flames, preventing them from spreading to the vegetation and nearby houses, although causing some damage to some facades. Unfortunately, the building affected by the fire was heavily compromised to the point of structural collapse.

The first investigations are now underway on site for try to understand the nature of the flames. No leads are ruled out.

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