Alessandria, the names of the new Abonante council are official

Alessandria, the names of the new Abonante council are official
Alessandria, the names of the new Abonante council are official

Less than 72 hours after the withdrawal of the delegations and the elimination of the executive, the mayor of Alessandria Giorgio Abonante formed the new council. He did so “respecting the political boundaries that had guaranteed us victory in 2022”. No surprises compared to what had been hypothesized in these two days, the two issues that had been the subject of discussion between the parties having been definitively resolved. The 5 Star Movement remains in the government team with the confirmed assessor Serra, while Marica Barrera, of the Democratic Party, exits the sceneformer deputy mayor for whom a different role was hypothesized, but she herself had immediately expressed doubts.


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The delegations

Abonante, which holds Urban Planning; Tourism; Events, Projects, Cultural Spaces and Institutions; Prevention and Civil Protection; Equal Opportunities Consultation, will have alongside it the deputy mayor Giovanni Barosini (he is responsible for relations with the ASL and ASO; New Theatre; Twinning, Urban Decor, Trade; Territorial Marketing), Roberta Cazzulo (Equal opportunities; Social policies; Work and professional training; Personnel; Animal welfare), John Ivaldi (Suburbs; Relations with the State Property Agency and with the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape; Participation and Associationism; Intercultural dialogue; Registry, Civil and Electoral Status; Urban decoration, Parks and green areas), Giorgio Laguzzi (Investee Companies; Progress and Sustainable Development; Environment and waste supply chain).

the analysis

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It’s still: Enrico Mazzoni (Housing policies and relations with ATC Southern Piedmont; Public lighting; Security policies and municipal police; Enhancement of municipal heritage; Crafts, agriculture and markets; Cemetery services), Irene Molina (Relations with the University; Public Education; Integrated educational system for 0 – 6 years; School buildings; Relations with the City Council), Victory Oneto (Youth Policies; Sports and sports facilities; European projects and territorial cohesion; Coordination of PNRR projects; Ets and collaboration agreements; Digital transition), Antonella Perrone (Budget; Finance, Tenders and Purchasing; General Affairs; Lawyers) and indeed Michelangelo Serra (Public works, redevelopment and urban regeneration; Removal of architectural barriers and accessibility; Transport and mobility; Transparency, public administration, legality and anti-corruption; Open data, Social innovation, Smart City).

From the previous executive remain Perrone, Oneto, Mazzoni, Laguzzi and Serra, the new ones are Barosini, Molina, Cazzulo and Ivaldi.

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