Di Lorenzo, a social clue to the future? The comment does not go unnoticed

Di Lorenzo, a social clue to the future? The comment does not go unnoticed
Di Lorenzo, a social clue to the future? The comment does not go unnoticed

Giovanni Di Lorenzo’s future is still in the balance, even if signs of relaxation have arrived in recent days. Meanwhile, the comment arrives on social media that cannot go unnoticed.

Immediately after the end of Serie A, at home Napoli the Giovanni Di Lorenzo case broke out. The Napoli captain ended up at the center of fierce criticism from fans due to his poor performances throughout the season.

In recent weeks his agent has asked for his transfer, but now it seems that there are signs of relaxation. In the meantime, Di Lorenzo has commented on a post on Instagram, which could be a clue for the future.

Lorenzo’s Future, the comment seems like a clue to the future

Today marked the end of the relationship between Napoli and Piotr Zielinski after 8 seasons. The Polish midfielder posted a post on Instagram to say goodbye and thank the club and the fans, but there is one detail that did not go unnoticed. The captain Giovanni Di Lorenzo commented on Zielinski’s post: “Phenomenon. We will miss you.. I love you!”. Di Lorenzo’s comment did not go unnoticed precisely because of that “we will miss you”, which could be a clear indication of his future.

Di Lorenzo leaves a clue about his future at Napoli: the comment on Zielinski’s post – Spazionapoli.it

After a few hot weeks, in which the sale seemed inevitable, signs of relaxation began to arrive from the front By Lorenzo. His agent, Mario Giuffredi, has announced on several occasions the player’s desire to leave Napoli. After the latest meetings with De Laurentiis, something seems to have changed, with a stay at Napoli now seeming more possible. A few moments ago, however, what could be a clue to the future arrived from Di Lorenzo himself. In fact, the “we will miss you” addressed to Zielinski could perhaps mean that his stay at Napoli is very close, with the possibility of a transfer therefore receding.

Obviously, to sanction everything there will probably be a new meeting between the parties, with Giovanni Di Lorenzo who will be present given the experience concluded in Euro2024. For the Napoli captain there could be some days of vacation after a long, rather exhausting and complicated season. Upon his return, the match with could take place Of Lawrence, Manna e Contewith the scenario of permanence – also given the position taken by the Lecce coach – which is not so utopian.

Article modified 30 Jun 2024 – 22:10

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