Crowd and smiles, Romagna has awakened. Rebirth on the streets of the flood

Crowd and smiles, Romagna has awakened. Rebirth on the streets of the flood
Crowd and smiles, Romagna has awakened. Rebirth on the streets of the flood

and Manuel Spadazzi

The story was written by Romain Bardet. It was he – who is racing his last Tour de France – who was the first to cross the finish line yesterday on the Rimini seafront of this historic inaugural stage of the Grande Boucle, which started from the heart of Florence. Bardet won, and will start again from Cesenatico today wearing that jersey yellow that he has dreamed of for many years. But Emilia Romagna and all of Italy won, demonstrating worldwide – the race is broadcast on TV in almost 200 countries – the greatness and beauty of this Tour “d’Italie”. The President of the Region Stefano Bonaccini has no doubts: “Hosting the Tour is a great popular celebration, as it should be for cycling, a sport so loved and followed, which takes place on the roads and among the people. And that in Emilia Romagna has deep roots. And it is nice that the organizers of the Grande boucle have decided to dedicate today’s second stage, from Cesenatico to Bologna, to Marco Pantani, a champion who gave us unforgettable emotions.” But today’s stage “also has another important meaning for us: the runners will compete in the heart of those territories that just a year ago were hit by one of the most serious floods ever”. Like Bardet, arriving on sunset avenue, resurrected yesterday with a courageous sprint to Rimini, so Emilia Romagna with the Tour de France demonstrates to the world that it has risen from the flood.

Stories that intertwine on a day that will go down in history. A beautiful day, starting from Florence, with the race crossing the Apennines greeted by a yellow wave. Hundreds of thousands of fans on the streets, camped out with trumpets, flags, banners. For those who had never seen the Tour live before, it seemed more like a rock concert than a race. This is the miracle of the Grande Boucle, which was repeated among the wings of a colorful and carefree crowd. And with the memory of Pantani always there, more alive than ever.

One of the most evocative moments of yesterday on the Barbotto hill, a climb that has become famous thanks to the ‘Nove colli’ granfondo, with its 5.5 kilometers in length, an average gradient of 6.9 percent and a height difference of 372 metres. Since the morning, over 10 thousand people have ‘invaded’ one of the climbs where Pantani himself often trained.

On the Barbotto the homage to the Pirate is spectacular. On the roads fans and simple onlookers in ecstasy, ready to encourage their heroes not to give up. A difficult start to the climb, also due to the heat, which immediately made selection. Also in difficulty was the Uae, the team of the Slovenian Tadej Pogacar, the big favorite of this edition. Then two more tough climbs, San Leo and Montemaggio. And here too, just like on the Barbotto, many, many fans await the riders. Some arrived days ago with campers and trailers, to ensure the best place to watch the spectacle of the Tour. Among them many foreigners: they are mainly French, Germans, Austrians and Swiss, Slovenians, Norwegians, Spanish, and there is no shortage of Americans and Canadians. A celebration between stadium cheering, banners, sets and dream choreographies. Like the human Eiffel Tower staged by a group of gymnasts in Novafeltria.

The arrival in Rimini on the seafront is breathtaking: an enormous yellow wave that welcomes Bardet and his teammate fleeing with him: 40 thousand, perhaps even 50 thousand people in delirium… “We have made history – he will tell the end the mayor of Rimini, Jamil Sadegholvaad”. That’s how it is. And today another wonderful page of this Tour “d’Italie” will be written: 200 kilometers from Cesenatico to Bologna, with the double climb of the San Luca. And with his arms in the air, like Marco Pantani.

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