The quarrymen’s alarm cry: “Deposits almost exhausted” – Teramo

The quarrymen’s alarm cry: “Deposits almost exhausted” – Teramo
The quarrymen’s alarm cry: “Deposits almost exhausted” – Teramo

TERAMO. A loud and clear cry of alarm comes from the Teramo quarrymen’s association: there is a shortage of raw materials in the aggregate complex. A critical issue which at a provincial and regional level risks having serious repercussions on a huge sector linked to the extractive stone sector and in particular on the construction segment, which is based on products such as concrete, cement and asphalt.
The reason for the shortage of raw materials lies in the «residual capacity of the deposits available in the province whose reserve, already limited in the pre-Covid programmatic forecasts to less than 25% in 2020, is concretely reduced following the increase in demand determined from the reconstruction works, from the construction site of the works envisaged by the Pnrr and the 2009 and 2016 earthquake supplementary fund, as well as the reduction of active extraction sites in the region from 247 in 2015 to 97 in 2021, of which only 69 are productive as can be seen from Istat mining statistics”, explains the quarrymen’s association in a note signed by the president Aldo Di Carlo.
Note sent to the institutions, but also to the employers’ and trade unions’ associations so that, taking note of the critical situation, they intervene together to safeguard the sector and the entire connected supply chain. At risk are very important works for the provincial and regional territory, financed for millions of euros. Works linked in particular to Pnrr financing and post-earthquake reconstruction, which are under construction or about to start, and which must also deal with the timescales which for some financing lines are rigid and cannot be postponed. The raw materials crisis is having a domino effect on the entire local economic fabric and on the employment levels guaranteed up to now. For the quarrymen’s association, the current situation is complex and highly uncertain regarding the timing and possibility of ensuring adequate supplies to operators in the sector and the request is for targeted and urgent investments to safeguard the sector. (v.m.)

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