A new barracks of the Arma: the majority mobilizes – Teramo

A new barracks of the Arma: the majority mobilizes – Teramo
A new barracks of the Arma: the majority mobilizes – Teramo

ROSE GARDEN. Build a new carabinieri barracks, in a portion of land within the Borsacchio district, to request the elevation from station to tenancy. This is the content of the motion presented in yesterday’s city council meeting by the majority group leaders: Christian Gabriel Aceto for Under, proposer and first signatory, Paul De Black per Action, Enio Pavone to Do For Roseto, Simona Di Felice by Per Nugnes Mayor and Mark Ruggieri of Operation Tourism.
The motion was not signed by the opposition councilors (who would have liked to agree on it together) and will be discussed in the next useful municipal council meeting. «Taking into account that the current building that houses the barracks presents critical issues that have been reported several times and that the structure requires major renovation and structural adaptation interventions», we read in the motion, «and considering that the construction of a new carabinieri barracks in our city constitutes a pre-eminent interest not only for our community, but for all the institutions involved, the undersigning group leaders ask the city council to give the mayor a full mandate to promote the convening of a consultation table with the institutional subjects appointed, each for their own skills, in order to define the process, the timing and the respective skills to arrive at the definition of the timetable for the construction of the new Carabinieri barracks, possibly a tenancy where the conditions apply, in Roseto”. Furthermore, the group leaders hope that the new barracks can be built as soon as possible so as to obtain more resources for security, also in light of the huge brawl with forty young people that occurred in recent days on the seafront which led to the reporting of two minors and a of age «This is a topic of paramount interest for our community, also taking into account the latest events related to security», specify the six group leaders.

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