in Olbia there is the summit with the minister La Nuova Sardegna

in Olbia there is the summit with the minister La Nuova Sardegna
in Olbia there is the summit with the minister La Nuova Sardegna

Olbia The pro-Lula front is growing larger and larger. Spain is now taking the field to support Sardinia’s candidacy for the construction of the Einstein Telescope. Not exactly a small endorsement. The details are still unknown, but it is certain that a high-level meeting has been organized for Tuesday morning. It will be held in Olbia in the room where the city council meets. The participation of the Minister of University and Research is expected first and foremost. Anna Maria Bernini. And with her there should also be Juan Cruz Cigudosathe Spanish Deputy Minister of Science and Innovative Research. The two should sign a letter of intent to give strength to the Sardinian candidacy. The mayors will also participate Seventh Nizzifrom Olbia, and Mario Calia, by Lula. In addition to the delegations of the Italian and Spanish ministries, the rectors of the universities of Cagliari should arrive in Olbia, Francesco Molaand of Sassari, Gavino Mariotti.

The news of the meeting has not yet been made official. In short, tight lips, even though yesterday an ordinance from the local police appeared on the notice board of the Municipality of Olbia which, due to “public safety needs”, provides for a ban on parking along the first stretch of road for Tuesday morning. Garibaldi. That is, where the municipal headquarters overlooks and houses the council chamber in which the meeting will be held. It is certainly not the first time that Minister Anna Maria Bernini flies to Sardinia to support the candidacy for the construction of the gravitational wave detector at Sos Enattos, i.e. the mining site within the municipal territory of Lula. A site which, at the end of October, will also be visited, as announced a few weeks ago by Bernini herself, by government representatives who in those days will participate in Su Gologone, in Oliena, at the G7 on science and technology.

In recent days it had instead been the Nobel Prize for Physics George Parisi to support Lula’s candidacy. «It is clear that, for its morphological properties, the Sardinian site is definitely the best, and I say this from an objective point of view – said Parisi among other things in an interview with New Sardinia –. The area is extremely quiet, with much less vibrations than the other candidate. In Holland, however, we find ourselves in an area with a high population density.” (d.b.)

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