Tolentino cannot be the dustbin of the Marche

note from Green Europe

TOLENTINO – Tolentino will become the garbage dump of the Marche, it won’t happen immediately but it will happen, and it will happen soon.

What leaves us shocked is the fact that almost no one (apart from us) is talking about this, with the total indifference of the majority and some minority political forces.

In fact, they are planning to build two very impactful plants: the provincial anaerobic digester and the regional incinerator in Tolentino.

When this happens, all the garbage from the Marche will be taken to Tolentino to be burned with all the environmental and health consequences that this entails.

Mayor Scavi and his majority are passively undergoing these decisions and are doing absolutely nothing to counteract this situation.

When and if they wake up from this torpor it will be too late and Tolentino will be condemned for the next 30-40 years.

As Europa Verde Tolentino we have a different vision for our city, we will never resign ourselves to the stench of unhealthy industries and we will continue to persist in protecting the health of our children.

The image is taken from the preparatory documents of the new regional waste plan which provides for the construction of a regional incinerator and identifies 5 possible sites. Reading the preferential location criteria, however, we understand that Tolentino is the first and preferred candidate.

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