Teramo, prisons: numerous knives found in the possession of inmates

Teramo, prisons: numerous knives found in the possession of inmates
Teramo, prisons: numerous knives found in the possession of inmates

TERAMO – The following are the words of Gennarino De Fazio, Secretary General of UILPA Polizia Penitenziaria, in quotation marks. With respect to what emerged from the recent search conducted in the Teramo prison.

“We learn that during a search conducted by the Penitentiary Police in the Teramo prison last night and lasted until nightand numerous knives, including switchblades and even diving knives, were allegedly found in the possession of the inmates. Furthermore, cell phones, smartphones, narcotics and other prohibited items were found and seized. A clear sign of the fact that prisons are places of illicit trafficking that are completely out of control despite the long-term sacrifice of 36,000 women and men of the Penitentiary Police Corps who, understaffed by 18,000 units, without adequate equipment and disorganized, can do very little in the collapse of the system.

Violence, rapes, murders, suicides, illicit trafficking and attacks on staff proliferate in penitentiaries, the latter at a rate of 10 per day, without the government actually lifting a finger. They are still studying the prison decree. It’s a shame that, while Doctor Nordio studies, the patient dies, as an old popular adage goes, but without metaphor. We reiterate that we need to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers to address the emergency at 360 degrees and various incisive measures with immediate effect. Tomorrow it might be too late.”

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