The Pride wave of Naples marches for rights against dictatorship laws

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For the last weekend of June, 7 cities are being crossed by the parades today.Onda Pridethe great demonstration in support of people’s rights Lgbtqi+ organized by Arcigay and other local and national associations. Also appointment at Napoli where the procession started at 16 from Town Hall Square. The event takes place under the patronage of the Municipality of Naples, the Campania Region, the Metropolitan City of Naples and the American Consulate in Naples. But not only. The Municipality of Naples is in fact co-organizer of the Pride and the mayor, Gaetano, participated in the procession Manfredi. Also present at the event Vincenzo DeLuca.

“Today is a very important Pride due to the huge participation and to affirm the importance of rights because a freer society, in which everyone’s rights are respected, is also a safer, more cohesive society, which grows more. We want a community that is increasingly open and oriented towards the future”. So the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, before the departure, from Piazza Municipio, of the Naples Pride procession that will parade through the streets of the center to arrive in Piazza Dante where the final show will take place. Manfredi also recalled the “preparatory work” to get to today’s parade with the many events that animated the Pride Park at the Albergo dei Poor for a week where debates, meetings and discussions took place which yesterday also saw the participation of the national secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, and the president of the M5s, Giuseppe Conte. “It will be a great Pride – added Manfredi – with an extraordinary participation of the city. Naples, culturally and by its nature, has always followed the direction of rights and is strengthening this path.” “The experience of Naples shows that we can be together well. We are making this experience available to the entire country and I hope that we start from this experience to be able to launch the new challenges that the progressive field needs.” Thus the mayor of Naples, responding to a question on the relations between the Democratic Party and the M5s for the establishment of the wide field, in the aftermath of the meeting at Pride Park which saw the participation of the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, and the president of M5s, Giuseppe Conte. “Here we have a common project and program – the mayor stressed – we are governing the city well together with a very broad front that takes into account all sensitivities, which synthesizes and has an effective government. When we get closer to both the deadline for the regional elections and then to the political elections – he continued – I believe this united discourse, this shared vision of the future of our communities and our country must be implemented with ever greater commitment. Sometimes they say that Naples is behind, but Naples has always looked forward and interpreted the changes.”

I think that as long as we are in the square and with an entire month dedicated to Pride we are in great shape. People are there, participating and doing their part to try to create change.” So the singer Malyka Ayane, godmother of Napoli Pride, shortly before the departure of the parade from Piazza Municipio. “I would try to abandon the victim narrative and try to put myself in the position of those who try to create possibilities – he added – By shifting the point of view, in my opinion, more favorable results are also obtained”.

Napoli Pride, De Luca: “Young people must have courage”

“We must acquire as a conquest the right of every human being to organize their life according to their values ​​and feelings. Offending a woman who has to terminate a pregnancy in a clinic is an intolerable act of violence.” The president of the said it Campania Region, Vincenzo De Lucameeting a group of young LGBTQIA+ activists at the Naples Pride gathering in Piazza Municipio. “In Campania – added De Luca – we have demonstrated that the protection of rights is not an alternative to Christian values, it is not an alternative to those who organize a traditional family. I would advise young people to have courage, not to give up their freedom, to keep their heads held high. The important thing is not to descend into violence, but it is equally important to never give in to any blackmail, any form of violence.”The dignity of a human being – concluded De Luca – it is not a negotiable good. So, whatever the cost, I recommend that young people keep their heads held high and never accept any blackmail, on any level.”

Ferrante, Fi delegation in the square for Naples Pride

“Today a delegation of Forza Italia will cross the streets of Naples to proudly and freely support the demands of the LGBTQIA+ community. I stand by them in the sacrosanct battle aimed at breaking down prejudice and intolerance, which still too often pollute our society. Pride is a moment of joy, color, happiness and lightheartedness, in which everyone claims their right to be and to love, their right to consider themselves family, their right to be free. Forza Italia, which is the party of freedom and for freedom, emphasizes its liberal creed and does not allow these issues to be the exclusive prerogative of the instrumental and offensive propaganda of the left, which tries to take over these joyful squares by instrumentalizing them and feeding the seed of hatred and insult towards the political opponent. Civil rights must be recognized, guaranteed and protected where they are lacking: it must be a transversal commitment that cannot allow lacerations or divisions in politics or in society. Freedom is, once again, the compass that guides us and where there are more rights there is more freedom.” This was declared by the Campania MP of Forza Italia and Undersecretary of State at the MIT, Tullio Ferrante.

Gaylib in the square in Naples for Pride

“We will be in the square today at the Pride of Naples. Particularly pleased with the participation of a delegation of Forza Italia with the MEP and regional coordinator of the Forza Italia party Fulvio Martusciello. The most important city in Southern Italy has been a safe haven for years also for civil rights lgbt+.” So in a note the national secretary of GayLib, Daniele Priori in view of the demonstration scheduled for this afternoon in Naples. “We will also be there to represent the many LGBTQ+ people of Jewish religion who this year, incredibly, felt in danger, given the pro-Palestinian positions of the LGBT marches in Italy and have given up participating in the parades that are or should be for the rights of all” adds the president of GayLib, Luca Maggioni. “The Neapolitan example of an open, inclusive, dialogue-based Pride which deservedly received support from Forza Italia too – add Maggioni and Priori – it must be the warning through which the Italian LGBT+ community reminds Madi that the issue of rights is and increasingly must be politically transversal to be effective”. “On the fronts of wars such as those underway between Russia and Ukraine or Israel against Hamas terrorists – concludes the GayLib note – whoever fights for civil rights automatically becomes a defender of human rights tout court, which by definition are above any political or national flag”.

Martusciello, defense of rights belongs to everyone

“There is no surprise for Forza Italia’s participation in the gay pride in Naples”. The regional coordinator of Forza Italia in Campania, Fulvio Martusciello. In his opinion “the defense of rights belongs to everyone and not to the left. In the Region we want there is no discrimination based on sex, religion and race. Go on like this”concludes the Campania leader of the Azzurri.

Raia, in the square with force regional law for Lgbtqi+ rights

We for rights, always against all forms of discrimination, is the compass with which in recent years we have listened and implemented the needs and demands of the LGBTQI+ world, representing them in the Regional Council and having the approval in Campania, in 2020, the law against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. All this while the Zan bill was being scuttled in Parliament. Elly Schlein did well to respond clearly to Antonello Sannino’s question: politics on civil rights issues requires courage! We are certain that thanks to his commitment he will be able to drive the PD and all the reformist and progressive forces to finally achieve important and necessary goals to help us climb the Rainbow Map 2024 ranking which today sees us dropped to 36th place. With this spirit we will be in the streets today at the Gay Pride, as the Democratic Party and as the Campania Region, together with President De Luca, strengthened by a political and institutional path shared with the associations that promoted the initiative, by a network rooted in the territories and of work in schools to educate about feelings and affirm respect and recognition of others.” So the Vice President of the Regional Council, Loredana Raiafirst signatory of the regional law in support of LGBTQI+. “We can, with pride, claim our regional commitment – ​​underlines Raia – aware of the significant value that it takes on even more today, given the poorly concealed attempts of the Meloni government to attack social and civil rights. As PD – conclude Ray – we will continue our fight and will not allow us to go back.”

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