“Now my daughter risks ending up in an orphanage”

“Now my daughter risks ending up in an orphanage”
“Now my daughter risks ending up in an orphanage”

First the violence, then the accusation of adultery and the denunciation, finally the possibility of losing her daughter. An incredible story that of Nessy Guerra, the 25-year-old from Sanremo who ended up at the center of a very delicate legal matter involving Italy and Egypt.

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The story (and the desperate appeal)

Nessy Guerra, a 25-year-old from Sanremo, is at risk of ending up in prison and losing her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter. She is stuck in Egypt, where she lived with her husband who accused her of adultery. The man was convicted in Italy of sexual violence and stalking. The story was covered by the program “Chi l’ha visto” on Rai 3. In an appeal, the woman asked for the intervention of the Farnesina. The senators of Italia Viva Raffaella Paita and Ivan Scalfarotto have presented a question to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, to shed light on the situation. Nessy lives in Hurghada and is separating from her husband, Tamer Hamouda. According to what Agata Armanetti, the young woman’s lawyer, reports in “La Stampa”, the 25-year-old is at risk of losing her daughter, who was entrusted to her father in the first-instance sentence issued two days ago, and of ending up in an Egyptian prison if she is convicted of adultery. Hamouda was sentenced in Italy to 3 years in prison.

“He has a criminal record, is violent and has obvious mental disorders,” the lawyer claims, but his criminal record is currently blocked at the Egyptian Consulate in Milan and, therefore, has not yet been acquired by the magistrates of the North African country. The woman’s Egyptian lawyer had to have the young woman’s mother convert to Islam because, if they were to be able to prove that the man was convicted in Italy, the child could be entrusted to her maternal grandmother who is in Hurghada with her daughter and granddaughter. Time is running out because, the lawyer also informs, the sentence for the custody of the minor could arrive soon and as early as September “the child could be torn from her mother and entrusted to her father, who wants to force mother and daughter to live in Egypt and never return to Italy.” In this complicated situation, in the lawyer’s opinion, “the Italian authorities are not interested in the situation, while the Egyptian ones are not collaborating.” In the parliamentary question, Paita and Scalfarotto thus address Tajani, asking him «to take action as soon as possible so that concrete information can be obtained on Nessy’s situation and on the fact that he is receiving adequate support on the spot through our diplomatic representation».


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