how the TreeTalkers network works – Nordest24

how the TreeTalkers network works – Nordest24
how the TreeTalkers network works – Nordest24

UDINEJuly 1, 2024 – With the aim of deepening the understanding of the growth dynamics and the response of trees to climate change, the University of Udine stands out in the national panorama through the implementation of an advanced monitoring system: the TreeTalkers network.

Strategic experimentation areas

The experimental areas selected for this project extend along the iconic Sentiero Italia, covering both the Alpine and Apennine areas. In Friuli Venezia Giulia, specifically in the Tarvisio area and in the Natisone and Torre valleys, crucial monitoring sites have been identified. These include forests managed according to traditional methods, areas at the extreme limit of treeline vegetation and woods that are expanding on land previously dedicated to agriculture.

Real-time monitoring of forests in Friuli: how the TreeTalkers network works

Innovation and Technology: The Tree-Talkers

The heart of this research initiative is represented by Tree-Talkers, cutting-edge devices designed to be installed directly on trees. These technological sensors collect essential data such as soil moisture, air temperature, plant growth and the amount of water transported through their stems. The information is then transmitted in real time to data collection centers, allowing scientists to continuously and detailedly analyze environmental conditions and the biological responses of trees.

«The implementation of Tree-Talkers is revolutionizing our approach to forest management, providing essential tools for a more conscious and sustainable management of forest resources»comments Professor Giorgio Alberti, coordinator of the project.

Real-time monitoring of forests in Friuli: how the TreeTalkers network works

Prevention and timely action

One of the main advantages offered by Tree-Talkers is the ability to detect stress conditions, such as drought or pathogenic infestations, early. This allows us to intervene in a targeted and timely manner, avoiding greater damage and facilitating the sustainable management of forests. Furthermore, the data collected significantly contributes to the refinement of climate predictions and the development of effective strategies for adapting to climate change.

Sustainability and the future

This project not only highlights the importance of technology in environmental conservation, but also fits into a broader context of sustainability and environmental resilience, being funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) through the Geoscience IR and National Biodiversity Center projects.

The implementation of these initiatives demonstrates the ongoing commitment to preserving our country’s natural resources and adopting management strategies that are environmentally friendly and geared towards long-term conservation.

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