The people of Sardinia Pride in procession in Cagliari | Cagliari

The people of Sardinia Pride in procession in Cagliari | Cagliari
The people of Sardinia Pride in procession in Cagliari | Cagliari

55 years after the Stonewall riots, considered the birth moment of the liberation movement of the Queer community throughout the world, the one in Cagliari was a Sardinia Pride divided into three days and dedicated to LGBT pride.

The red of love, the green of equality, the orange of rights, the yellow of pride, the blue of freedom and the purple of secularism. Seven associations – Arc, Fa, CGIL, Unica Lgbt, Spqr, Mos and Agedo – organized the event, sponsored by the Region and spread over three days between 27 and 29 June.

From the stage of the Parco della Musica, before the procession, the words of the associations and institutions. “We are here to recognize LGBT rights”, the words of the president of the Regional Council Piero Comandini, “and we wanted to recognize officially and institutionally by placing the symbol of Sardinia. Today we want to represent all Sardinians. We will not take any steps backwards on rights”.

Thousands – moreover coinciding with the Italian national team’s round of 16 of Euro 2024 – did not want to miss the event. From the T-Hotel the tribute of the rainbow flag displayed by Edilizia Acrobatica Sardegna. Also on the Pride Park stage was the president of the Region Alessandra Todde. “You make me emotional. It’s important to be here. Enough with the hypocrisy. We need to make noise. I am the president of everyone and we would like an open and non-judgmental region. Let him talk about rights. This will be a beautiful Pride for you. Looking at your face and your pride, you move me.”

Also on stage was Mayor Massimo Zedda, honored with a rainbow sash. “It is a difficult moment. The government and other governments in Europe have a deep annoyance and rejection regarding rights. Independence and economy pass through the extension of rights. There are those who would like to decide by decree law who to love and we are sorry. Because perhaps these people have received little affection and love in their lives”.


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