Trento: “Pressure on Rome to Expand Use of Bear Spray” – News

Trento: “Pressure on Rome to Expand Use of Bear Spray” – News
Trento: “Pressure on Rome to Expand Use of Bear Spray” – News

TRENTO. He stopped again at Let’s see the round of consultations promoted by the provincial councillor of Trentino for crafts, commerce, tourism, forests, hunting and fishing with responsibility for large carnivores, Roberto Failoni to deepen the discussion with local administrators on the topic of the presence of the bear in Trentino. A useful meeting to provide correct information on the most debated issues, starting from the estimated number of specimens to the use of protection tools, such as anti-bear spray, or knowledge and information, such as the new signage wanted by the Province to warn the population and tourists of the risks and at the same time promote knowledge of the practices to be adopted to contain them.

The delicacy of the situation was also underlined by the interventions of mayors and councilors: the large number of specimens present, the continuous sightings and predations are a source of concern which often turns into fear of frequenting woods and hills.

The councilor and the technicians present took stock of the situation, from requests to the government to be able to extend the use of the spray to other categories as well (today it is reserved only for forest rangers because it is considered a weapon), to the plan to replace organic waste bins with special bear-proof containers, up to the implementation of communication activities aimed at both residents and tourists.

Actions – the councilor recalled – which however require a collective assumption of responsibility, reaffirming trust in the professionalism of foresters with the invitation to everyone to collaborate fully, for example using 112 for emergency calls

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