MATTEONI (FDI) – “G7 Education: A splendid achievement for Trieste”

MATTEONI (FDI) – “G7 Education: A splendid achievement for Trieste”
MATTEONI (FDI) – “G7 Education: A splendid achievement for Trieste”

(AGENPARL) – Rome, June 29, 2024

(AGENPARL) – Sat 29 June 2024 *Dear, *
*this note is attached as per subject with kind request for
publication. *
*Thanks, good work*
*Press Office Hon. Nicole Matteoni*
*MATTEONI (FDI) – “G7 Education: A splendid achievement for Trieste”*
The G7 of Education Ministers concludes today with great success,
held in the splendid city of Trieste. The event brought together the
representatives of the 7 major industrialized countries in the world.
“Another great result for our beautiful city has been achieved.
The G7 Summit of Education Ministers showed, once again
time, the importance of a vision that puts the school and the
knowledge. It is crucial to value merit and allow new
generations to grow up with the right skills to face challenges
of future work, consequently developing cooperation
international and the national economic fabric.
And which city other than Trieste could boast of the honor of representing
this very important moment. Our beloved city has always been a center
of great culture and science, a crossroads of different worlds that meet
and live together in harmony. And in these days, delegations from all over the world,
representatives of the main international organizations, were able to
admire the most international and Italian of the Adriatic cities.
To the Meloni Government and to the Ministry of Education and Merit, which with
impeccable mastery presided over the event, my heartfelt regards
congratulations. It’s moments like these that make me proud of the work
that we carry out in the commission, but, above all, they make me proud of
to be from Trieste.”
This is what the Hon. Nicole Matteoni, member of the Culture Commission, commented:
Science and Education
Secretary Hon. Nicole Matteoni
Brothers of Italy with Giorgia Meloni
Palazzo Montecitorio
00186 Roma
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