Napoli, Manna closes three deals: Conte can laugh

Napoli, Manna closes three deals: Conte can laugh
Napoli, Manna closes three deals: Conte can laugh

Napoli is very active on the market: the sporting director Manna closes three deals in a few hours and Antonio Conte can smile

We have clarity of ideas in Naples“, Antonio Conte had said exactly that in the presentation press conference. Words that Napoli fans have heard and re-heard, memorized as if they were a poem by Giosuè Carducci. Music to the ears of the blue supporters who see in the coach from Lecce the light at the end of last season’s tunnel.

Napoli ready to close three deals: Conte laughs (Ansa Photo) – Controcalcio

And clear project, therefore, in the Neapolitan housewith the sporting director Manna who is also moving very quickly on the market to give the coach the ideal squad as soon as possible. There is unity of purpose between the president, management and technical guidance: the best news for Conte who has also taken on the role of deciding who can leave and who, instead, cannot leave the blue club.

A technical manager, in short, with a large say in the market. And 10 days after the start of the retreat the squad is taking shape also thanks and above all to the dictates of the coach who has moved in first person with some objectives.

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Conte called Alessandro Buongiorno and convinced him to accept the Azzurri proposal. And the defender, fascinated by the possibility of working with the Lecce player, has already informed Torino. And Manna has received the assist and is now ready to close. The agreement has been reached with the player, but the one with the Granata is still missing.

The latest proposal from the Neapolitan club is 35 million euros plus 5 million bonusToro continues to ask for 40. The gap is however minimal and could be filled halfway, with the inclusion of some variable bonus, perhaps linked to the player’s personal performance or to the club’s results.

Naples, Mario Hermoso also arrives: triple blow (Ansa Photo) – Controcalcio

Good morning, it will be fixed assault on Leonardo Spinazzola. Released after his contract with Roma expired yesterday, Manna has been accelerating in the last few hours. Summit with agent Davide Lippi to find an agreement and close the purchase, because the former Roma player is the player identified by Conte to reinforce the flanks.

He can play both on the right and the left and the coach also appreciates him for the way he attacks on the wing. Unleashed, however, the blue manager is also one step away from closing the deal with the other free transfer in his sights, Mario Hermoso.

The Spanish defender formerly of Atletico Madrid is a free agent and is waiting for Napoli. Agreement reached on the fees, the distance between supply and demand is really minimal. Hermoso is waiting for the Azzurri, he has already rejected the Arabs and Besiktas and the deal can really be closed in a short time.

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