Emilia-Romagna buses and trains, free season tickets for students confirmed for 2024-25

Emilia-Romagna buses and trains, free season tickets for students confirmed for 2024-25
Emilia-Romagna buses and trains, free season tickets for students confirmed for 2024-25

(Sesto Potere) – Bologna – July 1, 2024 – Without paying for the ticket and with more attention to the environment. Also back for the 2024-25 school year is “Salta su!”, the initiative of the Region that allows students from Emilia-Romagna to travel for free on regional buses and trains to go to school.

Free annual subscriptions have therefore been confirmed for students residing in Emilia-Romagna who attend primary, middle and high schools and vocational training institutes.

The methods and requirements for obtaining the travel ticket for free travel on the journey home/school and back, as well as in your free time along the same route, remain unchanged.

A measure that, last year, allowed over 220 thousand girls and boys to travel for free, with an increase of approximately 10% compared to 2022-23 and with a commitment to the regional budget of over 25.5 million euros, a value that is also estimated for the 2023-2024 reporting.

The numbers of the previous edition, all the details of the initiative for the year 2024-2025 and the new communication campaign were presented today in a press conference by the regional councilor for Mobility and Transport, Andrea Corsini and by the representatives of the public transport companies of Emilia-Romagna Tper, Seta, Start Romagna, Tep, Trenitalia Tper, Mete and Valmabus.

bus start romagna

“Jump!” It is aimed at all students from Emilia-Romagna from elementary school to public high schools and vocational training institutes even if outside the regional borders. High school students are required to meet the additional requirement of the annual family ISEE of up to 30 thousand euros.

The comment

“The data are increasingly encouraging,” he says. Corsini-. “Salta su” involved 42% of those enrolled in schools in Emilia-Romagna, with savings for families of between 350 and 650 euros on average per child based on the season ticket chosen. And with the support of a platform for obtaining travel tickets, created together with regional transport companies, now well-established”. “A concrete help that young people and their families increasingly like – concludes the councilor – and that is also why we wanted to confirm it for the next school year. And a measure that makes us proud because, in line with the Pact for Work and Climate, it truly promotes the development of a culture of sustainable mobility”.

How to apply

The single platform “Salta Su” https://regioneer.it/saltasu is already active to submit the subscription request. Access is only online and is done with Spid and CIE credentials. There is time until 2:00 p.m. on December 18, 2024. The platform, by selecting the departure and arrival addresses, allows you to customize the subscription by choosing the solutions: urban, extra-urban on bus, railway, integrated bus-train. The annual personal subscription is valid from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025.


The user assistance service is also active, available both for written information requests on the Salta su platform and by phone at the toll-free number Mi Muovo 800.388988, as well as at company call centers. Last year, over 15 thousand calls were handled, with a peak in the September-October period. Written assistance via the platform recorded more than 9 thousand contacts.

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