Anffas Salerno: delivery of the XX Memorial Giovanni Caressa awards

Anffas Salerno: delivery of the XX Memorial Giovanni Caressa awards
Anffas Salerno: delivery of the XX Memorial Giovanni Caressa awards


“We are proud to receive this important recognition, which rewards all of us, the commitment of Telethon, Anffas, families, people with disabilities, volunteers and operators, because the strength of this bond comes from the union of people”. Thus Rodolfo Schiavo , national head of the Territory Area of ​​the Telethon Foundation, accompanied by Ivano Scarcia, head of the Territory Area of ​​the Telethon Campania Foundation and Tommaso D’Onofrio, Telethon Coordinator for the Province of Salerno last night at the Sunrise Accessible Resort in Battipaglia collecting the Giovanni Caressa Memorial Award, established by the Foundation and by the Anffas Association of Salerno, chaired by Salvatore Parisi, annually awarded to personalities who have distinguished themselves in the social and inclusion fields.

On the occasion of the event celebrating the Memorial in its 20th edition, dedicated to a great man who about 60 years ago had the idea of ​​founding Anffas in Salerno, committing his life to the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, last night the presentation of the Award to the Telethon Foundation in recognition of the extraordinary commitment and contribution in the field of scientific research for genetic diseases and for the now well-known partnership with Anffas, which this year marks its first tenth anniversary, testifying to the common commitment to increasing awareness of research for people with intellectual disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders.

This year for the first time the “Digital Inclusion Award” was established, for the commitment to inclusion and disability on social media, which was awarded to Benedetta De Luca, from Salerno, influencer, fashion creator and writer , born with a rare medical condition defined as sacrum agenesis or caudal regression syndrome. Face of digital inclusiveness, which stood out for its commitment to talking about people in an inclusive way, for all its activities proposed to break down stereotypes relating to women with disabilities and for the valorization of diversity as uniqueness and beauty, not as an element to hide, allowing everyone to feel represented.

“There is still a lot to do – said Benedetta De Luca, particularly excited to receive the Award for commitment to inclusion and disability on social media, confirming her commitment to transmitting inclusive messages through social media. When we no longer talk about issues related to people with disabilities, we will have achieved true and real inclusion, said the young influencer and author of the book “Una vita da Sirenetta”.

A now historic event in the memory of the unforgettable founder of Anffas Salerno Giovanni Caressa, father of Maria Rosaria, a girl with Down syndrome, who, way back on 14 January 1965, at the Matteo Mari elementary school in the Torrione district, gathered twenty parents of girls and children with disabilities to found the Anffas of Salerno, the one celebrated last night carried out for years by the family and by the President of the Anffas Salerno Foundation Salvatore Parisi.

“What needs to be done for people with disabilities is still a path where there is no lack of difficulties, but the latest laws that have been enacted to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities give great hope and emphasis to the dignity of the person, said President Parisi, underlining the commitment of Anffas in supporting people with disabilities and their families in providing answers to their needs in order to guarantee their rights”.

The evening, which took place in a convivial and festive atmosphere, was closed by Enrico Delle Serre, National Spokesperson for PIAM (Italian Platform for Self-Representatives in Movement) and leader of the self-representatives of Anffas Salerno, who interpreted the poem written by Giovanni Caressa for his daughter Maria Rosaria 50 years ago, a text with very intimate tones and an enormous emotional charge of a father towards his daughter and her future.

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