Ancona, 12-year-old boy drowns in Falconara Marittima

Ancona, 12-year-old boy drowns in Falconara Marittima
Ancona, 12-year-old boy drowns in Falconara Marittima

This morning around 11.30 am Falconara Marittimain the province of Ancona, is 12-year-old boy drowned in sea. The mother felt ill and had to be rescued. The place was reached by local police officers and the city mayor Stefania Signorini, who proclaimed the city ​​mourning and canceled scheduled events.

Ambulance, Ancona

Ancona, the reconstruction of the tragedy

The 12-year-old boy, born in Jesi, had Nigerian origins and attended the Raffaele Sanzio Comprehensive Institute, a Montessori middle school in the city. There is shock among the boy’s classmates and teachers, who were shocked by the inexplicable death of the very young boy.

The child was doing the bathing with some peers when, around 11.30, he dived into the waters near the Falconara pier in an area where there is no obligation to supervise. Once in the water, the child must have drunk so much water that he was unable to resurface, according to an initial reconstruction by the authorities. While diving from the former Bedetti Platform, it could have happened that the child hit his head and lost consciousness. His peers, not seeing him return to the surface, raised the alarm.

The first to intervene were the lifeguards, the personnel of the port authority and the municipal police. The 118 air ambulance, departing from the regional hospital of Torrette di Ancona, dropped the rescuers on the beach, who tried to resuscitate him for about twenty minutes but they could do nothing but confirm his death of the boy. The carabinieri and the magistrate on duty, Ruggiero Dicuonzo, were on site. The rescuers found the child trapped under the pier. The child’s body has already been made available to the family.

The authorities will have to clarify what happened, once they understand the safety regulations in force in the area. It would appear that in the area of ​​the accident i diving and swimming in water are prohibited.

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